Potassium problems - Please Help
Okay my pre-op 10 days ago showed my potassium (K+) to be 3.3 (normal is 3.5-5.0). That was with me taking four 20MEQ tablets a day. So I increased to seven or eight 20MEQ tablets a day, started eating bananas twice a day. Had my blood re-tested yesterday it is only 3.5 now. My body just will NOT hold potassium. 160 MEQs a day is unreal. That's like eating 400 bananas a day. If my level is not at least 3.5 they will not do my surgery. Then I'm worried what will happen AFTER the surgery when I can't take my "HORSE" pills any longer. They can't be chewed or crushed. I don't want my K+ to bottom out. Did anyone out there have a similar problem? Or were you put on IV potassium after surgery? Need some info from someone. Thank you. Jeanette (8/25/04)
Hi Jeanette, I take Klor-con. They're round and even though I'm not on water pills, I don't lose potassium, but for some reason the Dr. keeps me on them. I still get cramps in my legs, especially in the right calf and behind my knee. I think they will crush yours and add it to your applesauce or even with a drink. I would keep eating bananas, and may have to add some Potassium vitamins to keep it above so that you can have surgery.
Good Luck to you Jeanette. Love Kathy
Hi Jeanette,
Don't know if this will help you but I have a potassium problem as well and this is something I came across.. am ordering it to see if it will help.. thought I would share it with you..
click on the link on the left "colloidal/ionic minerals" for any other supplement you may be interested, there is alot to chose from in water forms so absorbtion should be good.. but just my opinion.. I havent tried them YET..
Good Luck!
Hey Jeanette:
I had a similar problem. I received Potassium IV in the hospital, then received "crushed" KCL in the hospital. I had to continue them until this past week. I mixed it with sugar free popsickles. It tasted like coconut and my Dr ordered it that way. Discuss this with him and he can order the liquiid potassium if necessary post op. Good luck. Paula