Julie Gray
Thanks for asking about me. I am doing some better. I still hurt a lot. But I am up and moving more. I am not sleeping so much. I've still got diarrhea, but not so bad.
I've even gotten out of the house and went to town twice. Once was to visit my cousin in the hospital. She is only 15-16 and had to have two tumors removed from her ovaries and lost one ovary in the process. I feel so bad for her. She has the big open incision too and is also obese.
I am supposed to go see Dr. Hruska on Thursday.
I actually cleaned a little today. Mostly throwing away a huge stack of mail that had piled on top of our dining room table. I was able to sit for part of it in an office chair.
I am getting hungry now. The head hunger is pretty bad. But the belly hunger is sort of almost like nausea. But I find when I eat a little my belly feels better and not so bad.
I'll try to post later. Thanks again Lisa for caring.
I am so glad you are feeling a little better.
I am also sorry to hear about your cousin. I hope she is doing ok. I am going to see Hruska on Tuesday. I am a little excited, but not trying to get my hopes up. How is your family doing? They were really nice. I can't wait to see how your appointment goes. I'm aure you can't either. I am not sure where I put your email address, so if you want to email it to me that would be great. Take care and I hope to talk to you soon.