Getting closer! FINALLY!
Good Evening all.
Made it through the sleep study
, and It is certain I have sleep apnea
surprise surprise lol. The second night of the study I slept on thier cpap machine and the next morning I woke up feeling like a new person.. I truly never expected to notice a difference after one night but boy did I ever!
For the first time in I can't tell you how long I woke up to have my bp taken and got an almost normal reading rather than the 160/110 that it usually runs
. And no headache!
When I got home that morning my kids ranted and raved all day about how "nice" I was to them..guess sleeping does make a slight difference in one's moods lol. But then again don't ALL teenagers think thier mom is mean? lol
I am currently waiting on the cpap to get delivered. I never thought in a million years I could ever be excited about something that would make me look like a martian from outer space
but I have to say in this case, "Laugh on people.. I don't care".. SLEEP and BREATHING wins out before appearances
On the 20th I went for my psych evaluation, and again HUGE THANK YOU'S to GREG for sharing his name with me. He really was awesome! It felt like I was talking to an old friend. He said he knew I was prepared for this and that he could tell I was not one who just woke up one day and says I think I will have surgery
..and warned me to prepare myself for the changes and the mourning period for the old way of eating because when I am post-op it will be the same process as losing someone you love, everything will change. But he believes I can deal with it when it comes. Next morning he called me to inform me he faxed his report to my surgeon for me. What an awesome man he is.
Soooo this brings me to the end of the list
.. now to schedule second consult and work on the insurance hoops now.. can hardly wait
... NOT!
But seriously, I am excited and to be honest getting very nervous as I am getting so close that I feel I can almost touch it.
God Bless Ya'll! will update again soon..hugs!

Hi Dawn. What level of sleep # are they putting you on? Who did you see for your psych eval? Iknow the feeling when in the sleep lab. I think I got HBO on my wires.
When I attended the support group in Knoxville, Beverly said that she was on level 13, was ventulated on oxygen while in the hospital, and came home with oxygen to sleep with only at night for a week, and never had to use her cpap after that. I have three different ones in my room. I can really tell the difference on the new one they just brought me last week. I'm sleeping deep and not wanting a nap all day. It's set for 15-20, I was a 15 level before the test on the 30th. But because both times on the 16th for a level, and had to repeat it on the 30th, both were so low, that my Dr. put me on this new one. Today they will come and pull the chip and download the data to see how high or how low I remained constintly. I've been up since 10am Thursday morning, and just now starting to get tired.
I may never get off my machine, just lower setting after surgery. My airwave is real small. And I don't have that wiggly thing in the back of my throat. It was blocking my airwave. I do know that they will have to dialate my throat before they can put anything down it.
I got most of the wedding pics back. Most turned out great. Mom was worried that no one got one of her and dad dancing with the couple. Well surprise surprise, not only did Robert get one of each he got two of each. Good luck with your consult. Who is your Dr.? I can't remember.
Love ya, Kathy

Hi Dawn. What level of sleep # are they putting you on? Who did you see for your psych eval? Iknow the feeling when in the sleep lab. I think I got HBO on my wires.
When I attended the support group in Knoxville, Beverly said that she was on level 13, was ventulated on oxygen while in the hospital, and came home with oxygen to sleep with only at night for a week, and never had to use her cpap after that. I have three different ones in my room. I can really tell the difference on the new one they just brought me last week. I'm sleeping deep and not wanting a nap all day. It's set for 15-20, I was a 15 level before the test on the 30th. But because both times on the 16th for a level, and had to repeat it on the 30th, both were so low, that my Dr. put me on this new one. Today they will come and pull the chip and download the data to see how high or how low I remained constintly. I've been up since 10am Thursday morning, and just now starting to get tired.
I may never get off my machine, just lower setting after surgery. My airwave is real small. And I don't have that wiggly thing in the back of my throat. It was blocking my airwave. I do know that they will have to dialate my throat before they can put anything down it.
I got most of the wedding pics back. Most turned out great. Mom was worried that no one got one of her and dad dancing with the couple. Well surprise surprise, not only did Robert get one of each he got two of each. Good luck with your consult. Who is your Dr.? I can't remember.
Love ya, Kathy

Good Morning. I am not aware of any numbers yet because the nurse who conducted the study would not give me many details at all, said she was not allowed and that I would hear everything from the doctor. That appt is August 10th.
However, whenever the medical supply company gets back with me about delivering mine I hope to learn some more about those minor things.
One thing I do know is that at the hospital the night I used thier cpap, when I awoke the next morning, she had to take it down quite a bit to reach the 5 we started off with..I was pretty surprised that she had gone up so drastically through the night and I hadn't woke or responded at all..
As far as Psych doctors I saw a very wonderful gentleman here in Knoxville. Had to pay out of pocket $110 but it is very well worth it to have it completed and once I met him I knew I was in the right place. His name is Allan Philp his phone is 865-690-8702. off park west blvd.
So sweet lady, how are things going for you these days with finding a new doctor? (Hodges to answer your question btw)
I know Kathy that if you persevere, you WILL find the right doctor for you and WILL have your surgery! I notice how you go through all of the ups and downs with the different doctors and things but I so admire how you keep pushing in spite of it! You are such an encouragement to all of us..{{{{HUGS}}}}!!
Glad you got the pictures in, Ill bet you were anxious for them. I know I would have been. Get any of you from the wedding? if so, you will have to send me one! ;) hint hint lol
Anyways, keep up the good fight my dear friend! and know I love ya!

Hiya Dawn! I'm so thrilled to hear what a difference the CPAP made for you. Rest is a wonderful thing. A lack of sleep really does make us into monsters. Man are my kids cranky when they dont get enough rest lol. I'll keep you in my prayers, and hope that the rest of your process goes equally as wonderful. God bless!

Hi Dawn, the best way to get used to using a cpap, is even if you are resting during the day, like I do, when I have to prop my feet up due to swelling, I put my machine on. I am so used to it now, that I can't sleep without it. I started out using it every other night for about 10 days, even sitting at my computer, I would put it on and turn the machine on. It really helps to get used to it, the mask also makes a big difference. I have tried them all, and the gel mask is the most comfortable and less likely to have air escape. I had to wear the finger thingy last night to monitor my oxygen while a sleep. When I am in a deep sleep, my oxygen level drops bad. They can add oxygen to the machine so if I need it, it puts a boost of extra help in keeping me from dying. I have what is called Obstructive Sleep apnea, my throat closes shut, so I am a real high risk, with out the machine, I could die that fast from lack of air. My lungs have fluids on them, and trapped air in the lungs. So having this surgery means a lot to me, after all I am going to be a grandma in October. Need my strength to be able to hold the little bundle. Have a great weekend. Love ya Kathy