Just called Medic Alert
I called to update my information at Medic Alert. They strongly adivse gastric bypass patients to be resigtered. If for any reason that you have to go to the ER, if they try to do anything with out knowing about the surgery, it could make you worse. Here is their information:
1-800-Id-alert annul dues $15.00, the necklace is stainless steel is $14.95, you will receive a print out of all medications, allergies, ER contact person, your Dr. name, and if no allergies, on the braclet or necklace it will say Bariatric Surgery, your ID number, on the print out listed all the information, plus you will get a card to carry incase you are passed out. If you are already a post-op, please to this. It can save your life. I know mine has more then paid for itself and I have been a member since 1996.
Love ya, Kathy
Hiya Kathy! Thanks for the important info. I've thought about getting one of their bracelets for years due to my allergies to medications. Having wls makes the need even bigger. I just did a search for medic alert, and they have a website too. www.medicalert.org They have a big selection of bracelets/necklaces to choose from, even ones with sports bands. Just thought i'd throw that in. God bless!