well hello fuzzy
After 4 weeks to the day Intracorp recieved my info and i should have an answer(approveal or denial) by Friday..... Yee haa
I did not call and hound the hag at the drs office everyday like i wanted but i did call at least 3 times a day..LOL no I called on Monday.
No w i know my insurance covers the surgery. I just hope i have all the requirements they want ...
Anyway just letting you all know at least the info went out....
Oh michelle,
This is awesome news..
I hope you hear very quickly and get your date!
Let me know if you need any thing at all! I would be more than happy to be there for you at hospital or anything.. just let me know
... I am so happy for you!...I cant wait to get to that point too!! Wont be too much longer now
.. Has Dr watson said how long before he will give you a date once you get the a.o.k for insurance??
Sending My best wishes
and hugs to you! It is ABOUT TIME!
That's great news Michelle. I know what you mean about that dr's office. I have been hounding the heck out of my insurance company, but they are sticking to their guns about their requirements. So I am going to have to wait until next February before I can get approved. That just means they are going to have to spend more money on me for my monthly visits to my PCP. I can't figure out why they wouldn't just go ahead and let me have the surgery. It would cost them less in the long run.