I am such a baby
Hi everyone... Today has been a bad day for me.. My legs hurt all night last night and they were still hurting really bad today.. I called the surgeon and with the pain in the back of my legs they sent me to the ER.. they ran some blood tests said that all my blood work looked good and said they think I may have a clot forming the test came up positive so I wont be going back to work tomorrow... I have to have ultrasound done on my legs... They said the test may just have been positive because i have some varicose (sp) veins in my right leg...but they want to be sure... My work was not really thrilled at the thought of me not coming in tomorrow... but I cant help it... Well, everyone say a prayer for me that everything is okay... I will talk to you guys later
Oh when they weighed me I was down 21 lbs.. woohoo...
Much love and hugs
Hello Robin,
I don't think you are being a baby AT ALL!!! Clots are Major and don't need to be ignored especially after surgery(or anytime).I'm not trying to scare you but that is one of the most common complications after surgery.The most important thing is BED REST...You don't want that thing to dislodge and go to your lungs.
I hope everything turns out OK....and congrats on your LOSE!
Oh honey! Your NOT a baby! You just had major surgery, it's not normal to just jump back to your old self again - it takes time!
Plus, be so happy that you realized something was wrong and went to get help! This could of been something become something worse but thank goodness the tests came back positive!
Please keep us updated though!