Okay .. Happy Friday Morning
Well,, what can I say.. Here I am at the computer at 2 in the morning.. What is up with that... I tell you last night I had a bad evening I drank some chicken broth and it kind of made me sick to my stomach.. I just rode it out.. and didnt lose it... I am so excited about my first week weight loss... I pray that I will keep up the losing.. I like being on the losing side... Well, I hope everyone has a blessed day... And prayers go out to all who are having surgery today.... May their surgeons hands be guided by God and may they be watched over by the
in heaven..
I do have a funny story to tell you guys... When I was on the morphine.. which was a trip...LOL... I was laying in bed... I dont know if I was really asleep or awake.. but there were several people around my bed talking to me and asking me questions... Well I was talking to them but didnt open my mouth... and then I was talking to my Friend Tracy ( who has been a big blessing in my road to recovery) and I was asking her if she saw the people around my bed....she looked at me weird and said Robin thats the morphine talking... so I layed back and finished my converstation with them ... and as I look back ... I think they were my Angels
I couldnt really see their faces but they were all beautiful....
Just had to share my experience with you guys...
Maybe another time I will tell you about my experience at walmart with the motorized cart....
it will crack you up...
Have a wonderful and blessed day....
Much Love and Hugs
9 days Post op
14 lbs down....woohoo
Okay Michelle, You have to promise not to laugh to loud...
Okay we went to walmart after my dr appt.. because I needed soy milk and a few other things... So my stomach was hurting a little so I decided to ride in one of the electric scooters they have... plus all the buggies were wet because it had been raining.. well anywho.... I got in one and I am like okay this should be easy( you have to also realize I had taken some pain medicine) well, i was there for a good 5 to 10 min trying to figure out how to get this thing going...well when i finally got it going i almost ran over these people...not a good thing... So anywho I went to get my milk and my friend was getting some of her stuff... Well I got out of the cart to get some egg beaters... which turns the thing completely off... So then I am trying to figure how to get the thing started again.. My friend Tracy is setting there laughing at me because I cant get it to do anything... we were there for a good 15 minutes... Talking about being blonde... Tracy is like am I gonna have to pull you all the way to the front ... mind you tracy is 125lbs and 5ft5... so that makes me laugh and she gets to laughing again and people are staring at us... so I read the instructions like for the 16th time... which arent very clear.... and I finally got it started... She told me not to get off that chair again... So then we go down an aisle that there is a bunch of people and I have to back out... remember I am very challenged at this point and I back right into a display.. good thing it wasnt anything that could be knocked over... i think next time I will just try to walk.....
So that is my funny walmart story...
Hope it gives you a laugh...
And yes Michelle you can borrow my angels....
Much love and hugs
9 days post op
Thanks for the laugh Robin
. Hey where'd you get your drivers license @ Walmart? Next time warn all of us which Walmart your gonna be at
Just kidding. I'm so happy about your 14#. Way to go gurl.
I have no doubt that there are angels among us.
We couldn't make it with out them.
I'm glad they were watching over ya.