Good Morning Everyone
Can you believe I slept in... woohoo....
... Well I am getting ready to go to the Dr.s my 1 week checkup.. I will update you on any weightloss... I sure hope I get this JP Drain out... Man I can't stand having it.. Hopefully today I get to have yummy shakes....LOL
Well, I hope everyone has a blessed day....
Katie>>> I am so glad you are doing good today.. because I was praying that you would make it thru your hurdle... You have to do whats right for you!!!! You know at this point in our life its all about us!!!! For a change...
Take care
Much Love and Hugs
8 days post op....
Your sooooooo sweet! I'm SO proud of you and can't wait to hear the latest news on your weight loss journy!
And your so right! It is all about us now and sadly thats how it should been for years but we kindly hide behind our weight - Thinking that is where we belonged!
Hmm maybe we should get a shirt that says "LOOK OUT WORLD! We're coming out of our shells!" Hehehe
Good luck!!!!
Katie, I want one of those shirts. This is the first time I've come out of my shell. And Robin, I want to know what your secret is to sleeping in. My phone rang at 6 A.M. I think they should pass a law against the phone ringing before 10. lol. Anyway, just wanted to say good morning to everyone. Even though it is the afternoon.. Bernice..
Good evening Bernice
& everyone else
Katie you go gurl , if it feels good do it!!!!!!
The secret to the telephone not ringing before 10 unplug it & only allow family to call our cell# & then they can only call in Emergency. They can call if someone's sick, or if there's a fire.
Robin hurry up let us know how it went today, did cha get that tube out? How was your shake?
hugs & kisses