A gift...
Okay ya'll - I need your advice!
A friend of mine sent me a package in the mail and I got it yesterday. I was quite surprised until I opened it and found a box of Godiva Chocolates!
Now I know there pretty expensive chocolates, however - I've keep my surgery pretty open to EVERYONE! Which makes me wonder why the world they'd send me CHOCOLATE?! Of all things!!
What would you say to this person? I'm pretty clueless cause I would never send something like this to someone, knowing they couldn't/shouldn't eat it.
I'm really starting to think there NOT a friend, cause they really must not listen to anything I ever say! LOL!
Anyways, advice?
I would send them a thank you note for the package and include in there that you wanted them to know that you donated the chocolate to someone at the local nursing home that never gets visitors. That although you loved the thought, with your surgery and everything, you had no choice but to give it to someone that could actually eat it.
Tell them again about your limitations and that in the future, they could save a lot of money by sending those kinds of things to people who would actually use them.
Be nice but tactful.
Thank them for the gift as you would any other gift. THEN, when at
some point down the line, THEY ask how you like the Godiva Chocolate,
you can then say that you appreciated their thoughts but that because
of your desire to follow through with improving your health after your surgery, you were unable to eat the chocolate and that you passed
it along to someone else.
I once wanted to thank my Family Practice Physician for being
especially helpful to me in a situation and I did so by sending him
a gift basket from as specialty shop here called "The Fudgey Nut."
You can only imagine that it was full of sugary, sweet items.
Unfortunately AFTER I sent the gift basket, I remembered that he
was a diabetic. On my next visit he told me that he enjoyed the
trail mix from the basket and shared the rest with his office staff.
I felt bad about having sent the basket but his staff did enjoy it.
He assured me he was used to people sending him things that he
could not eat and that he was not offended by it. Now, if I am
going to be seeing him, I will bake him a sugar free cake or
some sugar free cookies. He is such a wonderful Physician and
I want him to know I appreciat his care.
Thanks for the advice ya'll!! I kindly thanked him for it and kindly said my mom enjoyed the candies but it was killing me not to taste one!!
He said he was sorry and that it didn't cross his mine I couldn't have chocolate anymore.
All in all - It was sweet but really came across odd, seeing how completely open I am about this surgery. I figure if people know, it gives me a good reason not to screw up. LOL!
I'm werid!
Thanks again for the advice!
Some folks just aren't very educated in GBS. I'm sure he just thought you had some kind of WL surgery and you could still eat anything you wanted., and would still lose wt So he thought candy would be a nice Get Well gift. It would be very nice Get Well gift, for someone having some other kind of surgery. I know it must have been very tempting. I'm very proud of your will power.