Me again...

on 6/9/04 5:37 pm - Nashville, TN
I called Centennial, and asked to speak to the office manager (Robin, who was as sweet as she could be). After explaining what's been going on, and "Denises" apparent lack of zeal in regards to her job (that's as polite as I can be) she put me on hold. When she came back, all of a sudden, my claim had NOT been submitted on Sunday June 6th as "Denise" had told me, it had been submitted THAT VERY DAY....hmmmmmm what a coincidence..... Perhaps now I'll hear something???
on 6/9/04 6:59 pm - COVINGTON, TN
HMMMM...... GO FIGURE!!!!! LOL BC/BS in the morning to see what they say and threaten them that you are going to call everyday until they approved you...LOL that's what I did and they approved me in 3 days....I scared them!!!!!
T H.
on 6/9/04 9:30 pm - NH
Carol, Not sure I am typical mine was submitted on 03/09 and I received a letter of approval like 03/20 and an email from Lisa Ferrell that Monday as I emailed her regularly. You can always call the BCBS member support line if you need to and check on things as well to ensure that they received it, etc. I think they use a utilization review model so they have a division that keeps up with that stuff as it gets in the system. Just maintain follow-up but after submittal it may take a few weeks and they may ask for more info. I was fortunate(?) that I had a few co-morbities and met the policy of "medical necessity" as outlined in the member manual pretty well so they were able to get me approved pretty effortlessly. I think it even surprised them. My response when they called and acted surprised that it went smoothly was "Wow, I must really be more messed up than I thought" ... Hang in there!
on 6/9/04 11:50 pm - South Central, TN
Let's hope so! Keeping my fingers & toes crossed for you! Candi
on 6/10/04 12:38 pm - TN
Way to go, Carol! Sometimes all it takes is speaking to the right person. I'm glad to hear you've gotten a higher up to talk to. Now your process will get moving! Congrats hon! Melanie
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