Went to the Dr. today

Laura H.
on 6/3/04 2:15 pm - Memphis, TN
Hey everyone! Thanks for all of your input last week. I am feeling much more comfortable with the idea of the RNY (for the time being at least). I went to the Dr. today - I am doing my 6 months medically supervised diet. I lost 6 pounds since last month and my blood pressure was lower than it has been in a long while . They said that they could tell that I had been walking often because of the improvement in my blood pressure. ANyway, I had to share, I think 6 pounds in a month isn't so bad pre-op. It will only make me healthier for surgery. I have 2 more months before I can apply for insurance approval. Laura
on 6/3/04 10:32 pm - Crossville, TN
Aww Laura I'm so happy for you!! You know were here for you, if you need anything! I wish you all the luck in the world with your weight loss journey! Congrats on lossing 6 pounds - that's fantastic! I'm sure your already feeling better, just from eating healthy! Keep us updated, Katie
Laura H.
on 6/4/04 1:29 pm - Memphis, TN
Thanks! I do feel a lot better!! Laura
on 6/4/04 1:30 pm - TN
Congratulations, Laura. You're doing wonderfully. I'd have been up crap creek had Dr. Houston told me I had to lose weight preop. Hell, i've been trying that for years. Losing 10 lbs is like me winning Mayor or something. It'll be here before you know it hon. God bless! Melanie
Rita J.
on 6/4/04 10:20 pm - Bartlett, TN
That is great! I guess there are two ways to look at this. One way is when you have the surgery, you will be healthier and more use to the way you will be eating in the future but then it sure is a pain what the insurance companies makes us go through when in the long run it will save them money and besides that WE KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR OUR BODIES!!! I sould have been in trouble it I had to have done that after I made up my mind for WLS. Luckily, I had records of medically supervised weight loss programs going back to 1997. I guess they saw it was pointless for me. Have a good day. Rita
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