on 5/30/04 7:40 pm - Nashville, TN
4 A.M, been up for an hour. I saw my son off to Korea yesterday, so I have that on my mind, sure gonna miss him. Happy Memorial Day! We have no special plans, all the kids are out of town, so we're gonna just relax and enjoy the extra day off. Love you guys What's everyone doin today??? Hugs, Carol
on 5/30/04 11:37 pm - COVINGTON, TN
Good morning Carol. I thought I was the one that got up with the birds and everything else that gets up early. I feel like a slug now getting up at 8am. Today....I am going to do NOTHING....REST REST REST....I've run so much in the last week that this last week of my vacation I'm gonna vacate LOL Hope everone has a great day!!!! Anne
on 5/31/04 1:15 am - TN
Hiya Carol sweetie! The dh and I are going to Watson's today to check out the swimming pools and pool tables. We're hoping to get both for our new house. And i'm picking up my lil angel today also. Shes been with family since before the surgery and man I miss her. Cant wait to squeeze that lil angel in my arms. Hope you all enjoy the day! God bless!! OOOHHH I almost forgot to tell you guys...... I SHAVED MY LEGS TODAY!!! All by myself! Small victories!!! Melanie
on 5/31/04 8:24 am - COVINGTON, TN
LOL Melanie.... I shaved mine too....but probably not as good as you did LOL. My husband and I went to Jackson, TN today and just rode around for about 3 hours. It was nice. We are grilling this afternoon and I told him this will probably be my last barbeque for a while. Hope you guys had a great day. Love to all Anne
on 5/31/04 9:33 am - Crossville, TN
Ugh! I've done nothing but sleep and rested today! I fell on some rocks in the front yard last night. It wasn't fun! My knees and wrist hurt and the inside of my stomach felt so strange - I don't even know how to explain the feelings - When this happened I screamed so loud that I ruined my voice once again. I swear I'm never gonna be able to talk like normal - haven't been able to since surgery! Anyways, I'll stop whinning... All I can say is after all this has happened - Be careful after surgery while your healing, cause it really does hurt! Hope ya'll all had a nice memorial day weekend! Hugs, Katie
Cherry C.
on 5/31/04 1:42 pm - Morristown, TN
Katie, Hope you are okay and you did nothing serious! Be careful! I hate to fall first thing I do is look around to see who is looking. Cherry
on 5/31/04 11:13 pm - COVINGTON, TN
Katie, I hope that you are ok. Be careful and only walk in lighted areas. I hope that everything is ok. Keep us posted. Anne
on 6/2/04 12:15 am - Crossville, TN
Thanks ya'll! My leg still hurts but I'm fine. I miss doing my walking DVD! (I can't believe I just said that - boy how life can change!) However, I posted about the fall to warn ya'll to becareful right out of surgery cause it really does hurt. Goood luck! -Katie
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