Plastic Surgery Update

on 12/14/09 8:21 pm, edited 12/14/09 8:22 pm - Nashville, TN
Good Morning All!

Well, it's 5:15 in the morning in Nashville, and I'm up, drinking my coffee, saying my morning prayers of thanks, and prepping to bring my lovely wife home!

Beth did indeed spend the night in the hospital. The Doc's head nurse came by around 5:30 last night to check on things and update us in the next step. Beth will be released sometime this morning, and will be coming home.

The big question of the day was, "How much did the Doc remove?" Throughout the day, I was asked that question around 16 times. At least 8 by Beth, and 8 by her Dad. Not quite as much as Beth had wanted, but still, that is a very large number according to the nurse.

She looks good! During her first walk around the nurses station, she looked down and exclaimed, "My stomach is gone!". Then a little later when Katie checked the incisions, Beth screamed, "I'm FLAT!!!!!" Then she went on to say, "I've never been flat".

I love my wife very much, not because of the way she looks, not because she has a flat stomach, but because of who she is! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers yesterday, they were needed and felt!

I think about each of you and your journeys each and every day!

on 12/14/09 8:37 pm - Goodlettsville, TN
Let her know that we are holding her up in prayers. God bless !

Love ya'll Brian & Barb

Susan J.
on 12/14/09 10:29 pm - Madison, TN

Tee Hee!! I can so relate to the shocked exclamation of being flat!!!

Hopefully she had a fairly comfortable night and will handle the ride home okay.

So inquiring minds want to much did Dr. Wagstrom remove? Is she happy with what she can see of her arms?

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Elizabeth O.
on 12/15/09 3:24 am - nashville, TN
hi susan - the arms look great!   they took off a lot of skin - not  nearly as much poundage as i thought.   but comforting to me was that it was all skin - no fat tiisue.   Yeah!    I am very pleased.
F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!

on 12/15/09 1:27 am - Madison, TN

I look at Plastic Surgery as the "Grand Finale" to our weight loss.  It's the final few words in the weight loss chapter...  when its done, we can turn the page and start writing a new chapter:  maintenance! 

It is such a rewarding feeling to know you've worked hard to accomplish certain goals.  I know that Beth has to be proud of all that she has accomplished!  And, I am so happy for her. 

We all get to watch one another's journey unfold.  That is a truly amazing gift.  Thank you for sharing it with us.


on 12/15/09 12:07 pm - San Diego, CA
Give my best to your wife Scott !!
(deactivated member)
on 12/16/09 11:37 am - TN
Glad to hear that Beth is doing well! I am sure she will be recovered soon enough for  painting.. Ha-HA
on 12/16/09 4:14 pm - Nashville, TN
Thanks!  But to be honest,
I don't think there's any paint left!
Barbara D.
on 12/17/09 10:06 am - Mt. Juliet, TN
Glad to hear Beth is doing so well.
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