I am just not losing. And I know we hit plateaus but please. I have gone this month and lost like 3-4 pounds. I don't gain weight ever, just don't lose.
So, I guess I just need to hear from some of you older losers to tell me that its perfectly normal. My family keeps telling me its OK, but it sucks and I hate it.
I guess you need alittle info to. I am only 2 1/2 months out and yes, I have already lost over 1/2 of what I will probably lose. Started at 230 and am now 172. That is probably why this is so hard on me, because it was going so great. My doctor's office told me I have done sooo good with like close to 60% lost so far and they told me that the weight lose would slow down this month, BUT it is dragging..I thought slow down meant no more 5-6 pounds a week, but not nothing for weeks.
1. I am really exercising LOTS..(well what I call lots). I do 1-2 classes a day at the Y at least 3 days per week and I do at least 3 walk/run miles on the treadmill 2 days a week. And I throw in some weights like 2 times a week.
2. I eat pretty well to I think. I eat chicken EVERY meal, including breakfast. I do throw in a protein drink daily (nectar). I have threw in some items that are not allowed (maybe that's the problem). I have a handful of peanuts at Logan's maybe once a week, I take and dip in BBQ sauce on occasion, and I do lick a taste of peanut butter maybe 2 times a week. But that is all I do cheating...NOTHING else. (And I told myself NO MORE EXCUSES...that is all gonna stop today!!!!)
Soooo I know this is really long, BUT please help. I just wanna know this is normal. Let me know what y'all think.
As long as we are not gaining, we are still doing good!!!
Keep your chin up. You are doing great!
Currently Looking into Plastics with Dr. Carden (in Mexico)
Hey surgery-buddy!!!
I understand---the stalls are SO SO frustrating, but you are working the plan the way you are suppos'd to (okay---quit cheating....cheating should be I took a few bites of sugar free cool whip to cure a sweet like you are going to stop doing that which, really, isn't a huge offense...) and muscle weighs more than fat, so you might want to do one of the MicroFit Evaluations at the Y---they offer those free (at least they do at the Franklin Y)---they are so comprehensive & you can have it re-done as often as you would like. It will tell you about body fat & muscle composition & give you another measuring stick for your progress. I forget what your goal weight is....but I knwo that being at 172 is fan-frickin'-tastic!!!!! You look great & are doing a great job!
I would suggest that you mix-up your meals a little bit. Don't eat chicken every meal (although I am amazed you can....I still can't eat chicken, no matter how mushed up, w/out it getting stuck, so I avoid it)......go back to your eggs for breakfast and buy some Boca Burgers (the Cheeseburgers are so yummy....there is a French's Honey-Mustard that you can get at Kroger with the Mustard that has no carbs or sugar & it tastes so good on the Boca-Burgers......). Is Dr. O okay w/you still having Nectar? I would think he was against any protein drinks after Stage 2? Anyhoo.....I don't think that is the "problem" and, in fact, there prolly isn't a "problem" at have lost so much weight & I am sure it is going to plateau eventually.....we are just spoiled w/the scale dropping so quickly in the beginning!!!
Hang in there....keep exercising & one day you will get on the scale & be high fiving yourself because of the drop!!!! xo, Micheala.
Always remember you can call or e-mail either of the dietitians for additional suggestions.
Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity
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on 6/3/09 12:11 pm
I agree that we get spoiled with rapid weight loss early on and when things start to normalize, it can get scary. You are doing incredibly well, so don't beat yourself up about it. 58 pounds in 2.5 months?!? Come on, woman, that's INCREDIBLE!!!!

I don't know anything about the post operative diet for RNYers. Just talk to your nut and do what Micheala said about the body composition thing at the Y. I bet that will open your eyes to how much you are doing.
This little funk spell will pass, as will the stall. We're here to help cheer you on until you get through it!
It sounds as if you are doing everything right, but who am i to say that? But, and I've goat a saggy butt, you thought I was gonna say big...right? Anyway, but, you need to do something else...
That's right, take a step back, and breathe! My favorite scripture passage is, "And this too shall pass". It will happen, the weight will start falling off again. Stick to your food journal, exercise and eat healthy.. Oh yeah...
Hang in there Kerri!

I receive letters from folk who are still in the weight loss mode and yet have stopped losing weight. It's always an honor when someone shares such personal information about their stalled weight loss, and I know it's hard to admit they need help.
Perhaps you are reading this because you, too are struggling and searching for answers. There is good news for you! I love to say this. You still have re-routed innards... you still have a smaller pouch/tummy. And it still works! Oh that makes me so happy everytime I get to remind someone of that!
There are some very hard decisions for you to start making though. It's time to get back to the basic rules... the ones you followed directly after your surgery. You know all the rules, but must put those thoughts into action by doing them. Here are a few:
1. Start logging all of your food intake. TheDailyPlate or Fitday are both good. I like The Daily Plate better as it will calculate your sugar intake and also has more label friendly foods. You will want to definitely cut back on calories.
2. Also, you will want to de-carb so that you can keep away the carb monster (cravings for carbs). It's a vicious cycle. Once you allow yourself to have those simple carbs, they will take over the steering wheel to your vehicle and drive you so fast to eating more and wanting more! Whew... makes me mad thinking about that old carb monster. This will help you get back in touch with your feeling of fullness... . and it will also help you note the difference between thirst and hunger, head hunger vs. real body hunger.
2 types of programs are the 5 day pouch test ( and the 3 day liquid protein train ( While I have not done the 5 day pouch test, I have done a similar thing with a 3 day liquid protein. It truly does help. Both are based on the same concepts and principles. Send me a message and I will send you the link if you need it.
3. Don't drink milk. Please see my thread on milk, but when you drink protein shakes, do not use milk. If you are unable to stand the taste of protein powders made with water only, try another good substitute such as Hood Calorie Countdown Milk or Almond Breeze Unsweetened Milk. I use just about 2 oz of the milk substitute with the rest (6-8 oz) of water. This gives creaminess to your shakes without the added sugars, carbs and calories.
4. Remember, don't drink with meals. You want your nutritional values from food and surely don't want to wa**** all away. Let that dense protein sit there in your tummy so that you can feel full. It will take away that desire to eat again so soon IF its true hunger that is causing it. You can "water load" about an hour before you eat a meal, and that will help you to not eat as much (should you find that your portions have been too large, causing problems).
5. Eat high protein foods first, then moderate carb vegetables if you still have room. This way your tummy has the dense protein it needs to feel full. Stay away from pasta, crackers, bread, cereal as they are high in carbs. They will drive you to want more. Also keep in mind that "sugar free" products are a trap. They are not necessarily lower in carbs, fats, calories, but many people think that they help promote weight loss. That is an incorrect assumption and actually a person who has a steady amount of weight loss, and they start consuming SF products,it causes them to stall.
6. You want to get off sugar. I can't stress this enough. Just because a person does not dump does not mean that they should continue to consume products with sugar. It only makes you crave more. I read in a magazine at the gyn's office this week that sugar is more of an addiction than alcohol. It makes you crave more and does nothing for weight loss. My motto is: Just because I CAN eat something doesn't mean I SHOULD eat it... if its not good for me then I stay away.
You know the rules that helped you lose in the beginning. Just go back to them. They still work.. your tummy still works like the surgeon made it to... and I know you can do this.
7. If you are an emotional eater, you may also want to get into therapy to help deal with any underlying issues or stress in your life. There is nothing at all wrong with needing to do this...