WoooHooo I'm Home!!!
Thanks Cheryl,
I am taking it slow, but trying to hurry it up in my mind...if that makes any sense,....my mind is ahead of my body? I guess that sounds stupid.
I found out that I forgot almost the entire 1st day of surgery, I was first in at 8am, and hardly anything my sister told me on the day after do I remember either. Such as before the doc could start doing his regular surgery or whatever it took an additional
@40-45min of cutting out adhesions and stuff. Then all the problems with the JP Drain, and my blood, I am darn glad to be here, and part of this crazy group!!!
Hope you all are doing well.....ttysoon
I am taking it slow, but trying to hurry it up in my mind...if that makes any sense,....my mind is ahead of my body? I guess that sounds stupid.
I found out that I forgot almost the entire 1st day of surgery, I was first in at 8am, and hardly anything my sister told me on the day after do I remember either. Such as before the doc could start doing his regular surgery or whatever it took an additional
@40-45min of cutting out adhesions and stuff. Then all the problems with the JP Drain, and my blood, I am darn glad to be here, and part of this crazy group!!!
Hope you all are doing well.....ttysoon
HW-252 //PRE-OP-246 // CW - 179 // GW -140//