IDGOMB, Friday, 5/29/09
on 5/29/09 7:27 am

Here's what I have done today:
:: 20 minute recumbent bike ride (went 7 miles! wheeeeee!)
:: series of quad, hamstring and IT band/hip stretches
:: weight machines--chest press, lat pulldown, seated row and back extension
:: enough walking to get me up to 7800 steps on my pedometer
I'm leaving to meet friends for dinner and I'm walking to the restaurant, which should get me over the 10,000 steps for the day--yippeee! Two days in a row, I hope!
What have you done to burn a few calories today?
on 5/29/09 12:17 pm
You should post some pictures of all your yard & gardening on your OH blog. By the way, the difference in how you look in the camel at the zoo picture versus how you look today is amazing! You have done so well, Amy! You're my bandster hero!!!!
Keep up the good work and splash around in that Y pool a few extra minutes for me!
on 5/29/09 12:26 pm

You can get these things through Amazon for about $40 and I will probably invest in one at some point. The IT band stretches will help me keep this bursitis at bay and I can do it the best with the hamstretcher. It's not as good with a stretchy band or yoga strap.
You've been super busy and dedicated with your PT this week--you're doing so well! Are you feeling the positive effects of all your efforts? I hope so!!!
Keep it up and get a well deserved night's rest. You have definitely earned it!
I will be doing well to get everything in today as I stayed up late reading and slept too late today. I will have to get started soon.
Oh my goodness....I still can't get over the pic of the torture device....uh, oops, I mean "ham stretcher".....although it does look faboo, it reminds me of the final scene in Braveheart where they are stretching Mel Gibson & he is yelling "F R E E D O M"......
I had every intention of running this morning, but woke up & started playing with the kiddos & then started looking at my yard, which made me decide to re-mulch a few sections...ended up getting 20 bags of mulch (& listening to my hubby tell me that he could have just bought it in bulk later this week......phooey...wanted it today....) & carrying them all up a hill, around back & over to the far side of the house (I carried the bags because I couldn't listen to Tim talk about the bulk thing any longer & having him carry it up would have resulted in at least 20 more minutes of that topic....LOVE the man, but gheeze.....:)....)....I then mulched for 4 hours & then pulled weeds for an hour before I ran & played with the kiddos some more!
I am sure that somewhere in there something counts as exercise, but I will definitely get back on my real program tomorrow....
congrats to e'one for today's hard work!!