Liquid diet... To spice or not to spice?
Hi all.. I start my liquid diet tomorrow (13 days /sigh). I know what I can have (posted on my blog) and how often, but what I dont know is can I use spices, especially in the broths. Now I am not looking for any thing wild, minimal salt, if any (I bought the reduced salt broths) and mostly pepper. Anyone know if it's ok? I have my nut class on Wednesday and I can always ask there, but thought I would run it by you nice fine folks.
Thanks for allt he help.
Thanks for allt he help.
I don't know but I wouldn't think pepper would hurt. I
only have to do 2 days of liquid diet(not bragging) but
I am going to start tomorrow on just shakes until Sun.
and then do clear liquids. I did my nut class on Mon.
wish you could have done ours together. Nobody ask
that questions.
only have to do 2 days of liquid diet(not bragging) but
I am going to start tomorrow on just shakes until Sun.
and then do clear liquids. I did my nut class on Mon.
wish you could have done ours together. Nobody ask
that questions.
Ronda S.
HW262//CW 122
5"6 Tall 140lbs lost !
I was hoping I wouldn't have to do a liquid diet, but because of my diabetes (borderline) I guess he wants it longer to deplete my glycogen stores which will help with lap-surgery. So I will "suffer" through it. I am looking forward to the NUT class, but that would of been cool to know someone there. I hope it is full of questioning people. Things I never think of someone else may ask and vice-versa.
Everyday I grow more excited and nervous. Starting the liquid diet feels like the true beginning that this is really happening.
*raises a glass of chicken low sodium broth* Cheers!
Everyday I grow more excited and nervous. Starting the liquid diet feels like the true beginning that this is really happening.

Good Morning Ladies!
In answer to the original question - yes, you can use spice. As for the other, they may come from the same office, but they use two different protocols. I used Dr. Dyer, and I had to do the dredded to week liquid diet. Because of my diabetes, i had a few changes in mine. But the bottom line is Dyer always has his patients do the two week liquid thing and Houston does two days! There is no rhyme or reason on our ends, but apparently there is on theirs! LOL Good luck to you both.
In answer to the original question - yes, you can use spice. As for the other, they may come from the same office, but they use two different protocols. I used Dr. Dyer, and I had to do the dredded to week liquid diet. Because of my diabetes, i had a few changes in mine. But the bottom line is Dyer always has his patients do the two week liquid thing and Houston does two days! There is no rhyme or reason on our ends, but apparently there is on theirs! LOL Good luck to you both.