HELP NEEDED I am going to TRY and get back on track!!!
Love You All!!

Sheila, it is very good to see you post, your smile and presence have been greatly missed.
When I first began my WLS journey I approached my trek in the same fashion as I tend to do most things in my life, which is I want it quick, I want it all and I want it right. I thought I could learn all I needed to know about this stuff in just a few short weeks. What I didn’t see coming was that I had become engaged to a life long process. WTF??? Basically I set out to get rid of a couple of co-morbid issues I had developed, get skinny and then I would be on my merry way. However, what I learned, and am still learning is that I am in a process that can’t be rushed. I can’t rush or move to the next stage too soon. Sort of like a car traveling on a winding road, I can only see as far ahead as the next curve or bend in the road.
I am also learning that when I take out my Big Chief note book and writing instrument to start writing down all the things I think I know about this WOL I have to remember to use my number 2 lead pencil with the large eraser affixed to the top as opposed to the big thick lined black ink Sharpie that I have been using. It makes it much easer to erase my mistakes and move on as opposed to seeing them glare at me day in and day out in large black bold letters.
I believe in you.

Good to see you! I know what a struggle this can be. I agree with everything everyone else has said. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said you isolated yourself when you started having problems. That's exactly what I wanted to do. But, I forced myself not to. In fact, I came here more, and I started a support group at my local hospital. I really encourage you to go to real LIVE support. It is the best thing you can do. Oh, and decarb. Sucks, but has to to be done. I still struggle mightily with emotional eating, especially right now. Love you hon.