May's Dinner Club
There are two groups that get together at least twice a month. The Lunch Bunch meets the 2nd Saturday of each month @ 1:00, at different locations around town. You can watch the board for Susan's post for all the details. The Dinner Club usually meets the last Saturday of each month @ 6:00, again at different places around town. I post the details for this, so jus****ch for my post for information. This month's dinner club is moved up a week and the time is different. Please feel free to contact us for more information. Both of these are open to anyone/everyone it doesn't matter which surgery you have had, or even if you are planning to have surgery. It doesn't matter which doctor or hospital. Spouses/mates/children, anyone is welcome. I hope to see you at some of these events real soon. Like John posted, we have a blast and it is a good chance to put a face with all this We also, sometimes do a clothes swap, that is where you have shrunk out of some of your clothes and you pass them along to someone else and hopefully there will be someone that has some things that you can wear. Now, granted we usually have more women's clothes to swap than men's...go figure, but you never know, you could go home with a whole bag of things. Oh and by the way welcome to the TN board, just jump right in.
nashvilleitalian - The dinner club and lunch bunch are two groups that meet once a month for a meal (hence the name) I have not been to a lunch bunch yet but I have been to a dinner club and had a blast. If you can, you should try to join us, it is a great way to meet other wls patients and hear their stories.
Currently Looking into Plastics with Dr. Carden (in Mexico)