Buyer's Remorse
Unfortunately, the various protein drinks done taste like Baskin Robbins milkshakes, but the end result of being thin and not having obesity related health issues is worth this sacrifice.
Stay strong and when you drink the shake, think about something happy in your life that will help you get through this. Before you know it, you will be eating solid foods (in smaller portions!).
Awwww...Cheryl, I am so sorry.....but I can completely & totally understand where you are coming from. I had surgery 6 weeks ago (and I am still alive....wearing my big girl panties---though they are much smaller now!) and the first week or two was tough. When I woke up in the hospital I felt GREAT! I walked really quickly after surgery & was doing a super-de-dooper great that Dr. Houston said we could disconnect my little green button that gave me the Morphine or whatever happy drug they were giving me.....ut oh....that did it. Soon after I was a mess....felt horrible, everything made me nauseous...ESPECIALLY protein drinks. Forget it. To this day if I see an Unjury packet I feel like I am going to be sick. I was really feeling blucky...oh, and just when the nausea went away the pain in my left side started. Woo! Not to mention the UTI that put me back in the, fun, fun!
I say that to say that you should know that what you are going through is normal. Unless you are throwing up (which is NOT normal) it is just a matter of time before you get back to your old (but skinner & healthier) self! Just set your goals on getting your protein in---as much as you can---and staying hydrated. Don't worry about anything else. I didn't even attempt my supplements/vitamins, etc. for a week or two....just keep sipping whatever you can sip on--no matter what clown colors result.
The end result of this surgery is amazing. I try to think of it vs. other diseases....there are so many horrible diseases out there that will shorten peoples' lives & negatively affect the quality of life & there is no "cure" and, frankly, often no tools to help. But, thank goodness obesity and obesity-related diseases can be stopped in their tracks with WLS if we are compliant & use this tool (which, I am sure, you wish you could throw out of the tool box right now!). Soon enough you will be telling people how thankful you are to have had this surgery & how glad you are that you did it and how colorful your liquid poop was at one time! I promise!!
We all come to a point after surgery where we wonder what in the world we did. I have not yet regretted my decision, however, I did think a few times "What in the world did I do? I should have researched this more. I had no idea....." and I was so emmersed in studying this surgery for six months that I thought I had a great grasp on what it would be like after surgery. Nope. Your body will throw you a curve ball....especially after you have let Dr. Houston slice & dice your insides into never-never land...
But, nothing great comes w/out some sacrifice. Some people face brick walls before surgery getting approved---those brick walls are there for a reason--they give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Some WLS patients have a hard time after surgery & have "buyers remorse"---just remember---every truly great accomplishment is at first impossible. And, it all feels really, really impossible right now. Concentrate on your goals...why you did this---how much you wanted it---how your life is going to change over the next six to nine months in ways you could only have dreamed of without this surgery. Then realize that all that comes with a price and you are paying it right now, my dear!
Hang in there...look to this board for support whenever you need it. You will feel better soon &, if not, you will be am JUST kidding......this too will pass....We are here for you! xo, Micheala.
You will feel better, You will look better and all the tears will turn into smiles. I promise.
Hang in there! We are all here for you and we really do understand.
HUGS from West Tennessee.

I feel so incredibly tired, lifeless even, but not too tired to cry all afternoon! You just had MAJOR surgery - being tired is normal. Your body is in a tailspin trying to figure out what the heck just happened. And cryin' is only making it worse.
I am so sorry to be a big boo hoo baby,
Crying and feeling sorry for yourself won't help a thing - in fact it is counter-productive to your recovery.
I just could really, really use some word of encouragement or wisdom. Your strength and stamina will improve, you will lose weight, and you will feel physically and mentally much better. Focus on the future, the positives, and keep yourself on track with your program.

You can do this - we all did. It will get better and better, but you have to have the right mindset to succeed! Hang in there.
YOU CAN DO THIS--even if you cry the whole time. Give yourself a break--you are going through a MAJOR life style change! We are here for you! erika
I asked my nutritionist about it and she said some people after surgery just can't tolerate whey protein.
I can eat anything now except eggs and protein shakes. go figure. but I can have milk.