Really getting NERVOUS!!!!!!!!
It's so normal to be nervous...and anxious...and, well, just down right excited. Everything will be great.....just focus on preparing your house for when you come home---get your vitamins & pat yourself on the are on a journey that is going to change your life forever in the most positive way imaginable.....your health, your appearance, your's so amazing that there are so many diseases that people suffer from that are incurable and we are so fortunate that the disease of obesity, in our cases, has a "cure" as long as we do what our surgeons tell us and follow the plan.
You can do it....the waiting is the hardest part (oh, that Tom Petty song is ringing in my head after typing that...get out of my head Tom Petty!).....
The weather is suppos'd to be wonderful this all the things that you won't be able to for five weeks after surgery while you are healing.......this is so exciting!
xo, Micheala.
I am a nurse. I was terrified. I had a little too much knowledge I think. The closer it got, the more nervous I got. But, for me, I put it in the hands of the the Lord. I knew I needed to do this and I knew that I was already slowly dying. At best I would be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life and that wasn't the life I wanted. So, I just became determined to to this, and left it to the Lord. It also helped that when I got to the hospital, I told the pre-op nurse how nervous I was. She had the anesthesiologist "slip" me some sedative when I wasn't looking, and then I wasn't nearly so nervous! Hope this helps.
on 4/24/09 1:35 am
I also used the days prior to surgery to chuck all the bad food that got me into this mess out of my house. It made my post op time much easier, when I looked in my fridge, freezer and pantry and only good WLS worthy foods were there. And I can open the pantry without boxes falling on my head!
We're all thinking of you and excited for your upcoming surgery! May 4th will be here before you know it!
Everything will be fine.You will soon be on the looser's bench and will begin on your new journey.I know how you feel.This will be my first time having surgery period and I just keep on praying and saying to myself that I am making the right decision and god is there for me as he will be for you too.Try to be calm and know that everything will work out just fine.I am sending hugs your way.