IDGOMB, Thursday edition, 4/23/2009
on 4/23/09 7:56 am, edited 4/23/09 8:04 am
My friend Katy told me about this website where you can figure out exactly how long your walking route is. The jaunt from my car to my desk is about 0.92 miles. COOL! My pedometer is pretty close to that, guesstimating it about 1 mile.
The site is I mapped out a route today that's about half a mile and 10 minutes. I'm going to try to get up and walk this at least once a day to supplement my steps. If you want to see that route, it's here.
Right now, so soon after surgery, my exercise options are limited, so my daily goals are a tad boring:
:: 2 x 20 minute walks (one down, plus extra 10 minutes, one to go)
:: 10,000 strides on pedometer (up to 7014 so far)
Boring, but it's working for me. Especially in this weather!!

Hope you're out moving on this gorgeous day! Who's NEXT?!?
on 4/24/09 1:28 am
Hope you had fun at the Y and I can't wait to hear more about this Zumba stuff! Apparently it's quite hot!
Does jumping up & down uncontrollably when the scale hit the 40s today count? I bet I jumped 100 times!! LOL....(can't believe that last month I was in the 90s & this month in the 40s....when am I going to wake up? And, if this is a dream, can't I have a big grilled chicken salad w/honey mustard on the side and some rolls or bread.....I mean it's MY
Besides my bouncing about w/glee this a.m......I....
* walked 2 miles, very fast pace (listening to some great new tunes I downloaded onto my MP3 from Fitness Mag's list of top 50 workout songs....who knew I'd love Eminem and Kanye West.....???).
* Did 3 sets of 12 reps w/10 pound arm weights for chest, bicepts, tris & shoulders.
* Planted 43 phlox, 2 flats of impatiens and mulched around the waterfall/koi pond.
* Played outside with the kiddos running up & down the hill about 10 times (this was the best has been a long time since I actually laid down on the grass & just rolled down a hill...aside from the massive amount of grass I had to wash out of my hair, it was one of the post-WLS highlights....I seem to roll much faster now...before I just sort of stayed
......I am going to bed so that I can get up early, do my morning 1 mile walk & get two flats of Lantana in the ground....xo, Micheala...
on 4/24/09 1:32 am
And, OMG congrats on getting to the 40s!!!!!! Today I was 231.4 and sang the whole time in the shower about being almost in the 220s! Perhaps the doc should up my dosage!
You got a kick butt workout, my dear! It seems like you just had your surgery and how on earth have you recovered enough to do all that so quickly! Time flies, I guess.
Looking forward to the Friday garden update. I want a pond with a waterfall!!!!!