Unsupportive family
Good luck.
Now here is my but... I am the youngest of five kids... the oldest two, well.. let's just say... the oldest sister is the smallest of the bunch and has not spoken to me since Christmas. And well I didn't even bother to tell my oldest brother and his wife cause they are just so negative about everything! I only see them once a year, and it won't be until Thanksgiving... maybe when they see the skinner heathier me... I'll tell them.. maybe not?
BUT... what I want to say is, if you are strong in your conviction, find those around you will be there for you to support you, don't let your heart and head get filled with negative energy... You are doing this for a healthier, and happier you... when they see they, they will come around hopefully.. at least that is what I keep hoping for my doubters!!
HUGS... you always have us!!!!
Hun I totally feel your pain. We must be twins with the same mother and sister.I am going through this very same thing.My only family is my mother and sister and the rest of what little family that I have left reside out of state. Well I talked to both my mom and sister about this last year and I have gotten nothing but grief from them.I do not have anyone that I can talk to about this you know in person that can be happy for me and this is sad. I am there for them through thick and thin and all that I here are statements like "you are taking the easy way out, what if you have complications, what if this and that". So on July 20th I will be going into this alone.Nobody will be at the hospital at all to support me.I am happy that I am having the surgery but unhappy at the same time.You on the other hand lean on the ones that are supporting you.I know that this is hard but try to ease the stress.I look at it like this.Once our families see how well that we are doing afterwards than they will come around.Try to be strong.
(((( HUGS)))
I am so sorry that your family isn't supportive. Hugs to you today, my friend, and I hope that you are able to find peace in your heart and know what it is you are supposed to do... and once you have that decision, I hope and pray that you are able to grasp hold of that peace and may the Lord send you people in your life that IS very supportive.
Thank you so much dear friend for your kind and supportive words.

I'm really sorry to hear that your only family isn't supporting you. I wish I lived closer. I would be happy to be there with you. No one should have to go through this alone. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. I was really blessed to have so much support. My husband even stayed at the hospital with me for my whole stay. Do you have a surgery date yet? Let me know and I will see if I can work something out. Hang in there. We will find someone to be with you through surgery if I can't manage it.

((( HUGS))

I'm so sorry your family isn't supportive...that's the pitts! But, remember, this is your choice---your body & your life. When I started looking into WLS I didn't tell anyone except my husband...and he, though really supportive, told me that the PCP was going to laugh me out of his office b/c I wasn't "obese" enough for that type of surgery. He soon realized that my BMI was 40 and what I weighed...and he was on board from that moment.
Like Amy, I waited until I was approved & scheduled before I told a few of my closest friends....I wanted to wait not because I was "ashamed" of my decision or myself, but because I wanted everyone to know that I had made up my mind and this topic wasn't up for discussion---there were to be no debates w/me about if it was a good idea (in their opinion) or not....I had made up my mind based on a wealth of information and was going forward in my best interest. I think that quickly quashed the negativity....and, honestly, everyone was so happy for me....of course, worried about the surgery & potential complications, but friends came out of the woodwork to help my husband with the kids so he could be at the hospital w/me, etc......
Stand your ground. Don't waver....this is your choice. Your life. Shine. xo, Micheala.