Need some help
Hey everybody, this is me once again needing help, but on a different subject. I have come to the conclusion that my purpose on earth is to help others and the journey began a long time ago. I will be featured in a 3 part series on fox in may, i just keep reminding but I am also beginning to write a book about obesity, its affects on young people growing up through obesity their whole lives. I for one have made this journey and would love to hear from anyone else, pre op or post op who thinks this would help. Any suggestions on what you would like to know or address please email me at [email protected]
I also would love absolutely love to hear some stories from you guys. I was hoping somewhere in the book to have pre op and post op goals, poems, stories of amazement, ironic statements or anything. I just finished the basic outline of the book and I hope it will help at least one person out there. But ANY idea you have please email me. I will not put any statement into the book without permission, but i would still love to read stories of humility, amazement and etc. One thing I wanted to put in the book was before obesity got me down my goals were things like make a million dollars and be the president of the united states but when obesity had me down i remember my goals were getting off the sofa with no help as a goal... Things like that would be great or whatever!! Thanks so much guys.
I also would love absolutely love to hear some stories from you guys. I was hoping somewhere in the book to have pre op and post op goals, poems, stories of amazement, ironic statements or anything. I just finished the basic outline of the book and I hope it will help at least one person out there. But ANY idea you have please email me. I will not put any statement into the book without permission, but i would still love to read stories of humility, amazement and etc. One thing I wanted to put in the book was before obesity got me down my goals were things like make a million dollars and be the president of the united states but when obesity had me down i remember my goals were getting off the sofa with no help as a goal... Things like that would be great or whatever!! Thanks so much guys.
Justin Warren
Alpha Gamma Rho 843
UTM SGA Justice

Thank you for doing this!
I think this is a fantastic idea. I went to BAM as soon as I scheduled my surgery to look for books about weight loss surgeries. They told me there were none in stock and there was only 1..can you believe that...1, that would have to be ordered for me. I just thought I would rely on the Web sites, but believe me if there was a book I would read it from cover to cover and recommend it to everyone that asks my about my surgery.