What If? by Juan Oliverez
What if fish had flavors
Like scoops of ice cream?
Woud the red fish be cherry?
Would the mint ones be green?
What if cars were like animals
With fur and small spots?
Would they blend into forests
Or swing from treetops?
What If penguins could tap dance
And kangaroos knew karate?
Would we want to be friends with them?
Could they come to our party?
"What if?" -- Those two words
Can make anything happen;
All that's left is to ask
"What if?" -- and imagine.
I remember last year when I was starting the process of approval, "What if... I get approved?" I will be able to get healthy and watch my son graduate from college... " Before, I wondered if I'd even be around for his kindergarten graduation!

Now that the weight is coming off, the world is wide open for Connor and I!!!!! I have so much to be thankful for, so much to imagine now, and now I am getting healthy enough to make those dreams come true.
This week, I lost three pounds! I have been hopping harder, cause I had hit a stall, one week I lost nothing, another week, I gained a pound. YIKES! But then I stopped and I thought, I needed to crank it up some... and I did, instead of one mile walks, I took one and half mile walks... instead of doing 25 - 30 minutes of cardio at the Y, I do 35 - 40.. I pushed my weights up on the machines, and I made it happen...
I also made the decision today to change my ticker back, I believe it is a personal choice, (and I'm not one to judge anyone, you tick however you wanna!!!) But I had mine from my highest weight prior to surgery, but I lost 15 pounds prior to surgery, so I put my ticker back to my surgery weight... As of today, I've lost 50 lbs from surgery!
WOW!!!!! I'm doing the happy bunny dance today!!!!! Who wants to join me??
Always remember... "What if....?" - and imagine!!
Amy--thank you so much for posting that poem...I can't wait to read it to my kids...the girls will love it!!
I understand completely the feelings you are having about what this life is going to hold for you and Connor now, post-surgery. My kids (and husband, because he is absolutely 1 of a kind and a really, really amazing guy...) were my #1 motivation....having a 6 year old, a 3 year old & a (just turned) 2 year old I just kept thinking that if I could have anything in life--I mean a sure bet---it would be to be able to see them grow up, follow their dreams, and become the incredible people I know they will be. The one thing standing in my way was my concern that if I continued to gain weight that I would eventually get Diabetes & a bunch of other co-morbids & I just needed to stop that before it happened.
Nothing is certain in life, but I feel like I have given myself the best possible chance of being around to experience all the joy that these kids bring me. I am so excited that I have the opportunity to live a long, healthy life with Tim and that I will be able to keep up w/such an active family....I feel like one of the group now instead of someone watching from the sidelines....it's great to be in the game!
You are a great mom and joy to chat with...xo, Micheala.
There is so much out there for us now to enjoy with our kids! Please say you, your hubbie and kids are going to make it to the picnic on May 2nd!?!? Connor and I will be there!