Is Everyone Okay (M'Boro???) from the tornados??
Hi E''s Good Friday (it always rains on Good Friday), but today was something everyone okay? How 'bout anyone in M'Boro? We are in Franklin & the closest tornado was just north of Columbia heading our way but it missed us.....looks like e'thing is back to "normal" now & we should have good weather for Easter Weekend!!
I hope e'one is safe & sound....xo, Micheala.
on 4/10/09 9:12 am
No problems in Bellevue, but my Dad decided to pick my mom up and drive home straight to M'boro in the thickest of the storms. Why wait it out at your daughter's house when you can risk driving straight into a tornado? Let's go for it!

They got home in about 2.5 hours (normally about a 50 minute drive), probably after a whole lotta cussing. Their home is out toward Christiana and is still in one piece. My aunt and uncle live closer to the mess (maybe a mile, maybe). I suspect all is well, though. I'm sure someone would have told me by now.
I am doing fine post operatively. But you know that surgical saran wrap they put over your belly after they betadyne you down? Well I had an allergic reaction to it. So I have a raised, red and ITCHY rash from boobs to thighs, all the way from arm to arm around the sides. LOVELY!!!
I do believe it is time for another dose of benadryl. Did I say this ra****CHES????

Hi Denise!!! Glad to see you up, around & sorry to hear about the rash...oooohh...yuk! I didn't get to experience the surgical saran wrap, but it sounds great. Sign me up! (not!)
I am glad your parents/family are fine....sound like a great idea to drive right into the you driving them crazy at your house that they would rather drive into a tornado than stay...? lol!!! Really, I am glad e'one is okay!
xo, M.
My family in Putnam and Overton counties are all ok, but I have been saying my prayers for the family of the Mother and baby who were lost in M'boro yesterday.
Denise, I didn't get the saran wrap, but I did have this nasty full body elastic bandage that I had to wear for several days. It got where it was DIGGING into my sides, I was never so happy to get rid of that!!
I do hope all is ok for everyone else in the storm's path!
on 4/10/09 10:47 pm
The surgical saran wrap is an "adhesive backed surgical incise drape." You don't ever see the surgical saran wrap because you're out when they put it on and they take it off before you wake up. I only know they use it because of my allergic reaction. UGH. I'm taking my benadryl, but I think this is beyond the capabilities of benadryl.
Of course it is now the weekend. BLEH.
I got one of those full body elastic bandages. I actually like it because of the support it provides. If I cough, I feel like my pork might shoot out its incision and fly across the room! (Pork is my pet name for my port) But I can't wear it because of my rash! It makes the itching even that more intense.
Can you say fixated on my rash?!?
Back to the topic. I heard from my Aunt--she was in the bathtub while my uncle was outside in the front yard! Her daughter, my cousin Sherry, sent pictures from her office and you can clearly see the funnel clouds. YIKES. I'm glad they're all okay and very grateful that there were as few fatalities. It was bad and could have been so much worse.
Okay, I gotta go have some quality time with my gold bond powder. Extra strength.
Hey Denise & Amy---I have been thinking about, and praying for, that mother and her 9 week old baby, Olivia, too. So sad....just tragic. Apparently the father made it. I was thinking about it last night, and putting myself in that situation, and I actually thought it a blessing that it was both of's her only child and I can't imagine having to live through the grief .....the poor dad & family....horrible. Makes me cry. We actually had to drive to M'Boro of the guys who works for Tim lost his vehicle..and almost his wife. She was driving when it touched down & looked up & it was just behind her. The two story brick office building they kept showing on the news...well, she dumped her car in the parking lot & ran inside for took the top story off & flipped her truck over & over--demolishing it---in the parking lot...but she is alive & well & Dale said that he could care less about the truck--insurance & all. So, we went there to deliver some stuff to them & drove by an area that was hard hit--oh my goodness---when you see it on the news it is nothing like seeing it in person....I hope we are never in a tornado! I am going to keep praying for all of them....
Denise...hope your Xtra Strength powerder is doing the trick!! Ooohhh...scratchy!!! Eeeks... I do have a litte rash on top of the area that hurt horribly after surgery....but a little hydrocort & some benadryl cream & it's, you win the award for the itchiest girl around.....
Well, how is e'one doing on their Egg-loss in April? I have lost 33 pounds since the day I started my 2-day liquid diet and, since surgery I am down 29 pounds....I can't remember what I was at the day we started the Egg contest...shoot...hmmm...nope, I will have to look!! I am glad to be dropping a pound a day....
Well, time to go back to mommying....:) you guys later...xo, M.