70 degrees today, snow tomorrow.. but this little bunny is still hopping!!!
My challenge is being enhanced by the weather, since I've gotten a spring cold, the only thing that really tastes good and keeps my stomach settled is my hot tea! I have warmed up some juice (I know it sounds gross, but cold stuff with drainage just makes me ill!)
I hope everyone's challenge is going well, and that you all stay healthy and don't do the challenge the way I seem to be doing right now! I'm sticking with my tea, and my sudafed today, maybe tomorrow will be a food day?
ON a good note... I went to the Y yesterday for the beginning of my Phase II, so the trainer has up'ed my cardio time and showed me new machines. I got on the treadmill for the first time since surgery. Before it killed my knees and ankles, yesterday it was FUN! NO pain, lots of sweat! Then he gave me some additional strength machines, to say the least this morning, besides sneezing I'm a bit sore in places that those muscles haven't seen action in forever! LOL but no pain no gain!!!!
I'm having a wonderful time, Easter is such a special time of the year as the world comes back to life anew, the flowers, the trees, and this year.. I feel like I am popping up anew too..
on 4/4/09 10:46 pm
I'm still hopping along on my liquid diet and I cracked 240 this morning at 239.4! Yippeee yahooo! I know things will be a bit squirrelly next week with IV fluids and such, but once the immediate post op phase is over, I'll be back to losing.
Now, if I can just get all the laundry done and a bed prepared for my mom before tomorrow morning! So much to do, so little time!! Guess I'll just have to pick and choose what's most important and focus on that. But with the liquid diet thing, my brain is in Mega Oh Shiny mode. I started this post 15 minutes ago, wrote a paragraph, got distracted, swept the bathroom and started some laundry. Then realized I forgot I was writing!
I look forward to getting my brain back!!!

Somehow, yesterday I hurt my back! It must have been while eating at Genghis Grill. I guess I had to much protein in my bowl!
Hopefully, it will be better later on today! I really want to get out and take some pictures on this beautiful day!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Hopping along while holding my side in terrible pain....hop, hop, OUCH, hop, hop, OMGosh, hop, hop, HONEY IS MY LIFE INSURANCE CURRENT?
But, aside from that I am down five or six pounds--about 4 dozen eggs--since the start of our Easter Challenge. Of course, I prolly lost that hiding plastic eggs for my kiddos over the past three days.....it seems that they are a little OCD about having me hide the eggs around the house & then finding them....by Easter they will probably be completely over the Easter Egg Hunt!!!! Today, the last (50th) time I hid the eggs, I REALLY hid the eggs (mwahhhhhh).....they might still be looking for them by the time Easter gets here.
I couldn't agree w/your beautiful spring post more....I absolutely LOVE this time of year (okay....we just went through a HUGE storm in Franklin...hail, rain pouring down, wind that moved the furniture on our backyard arbor/fireplace, etc. across and off the entire arbor...it was CRAZY....and tomorrow...COLD..WHAT? I looking at all the pictures of butterflies & flowers that my kids have decorated my office with and pretending that it is still spring.....it's definitely a time of "resurrection" for all of us...lots of change going on...and the best kind!
xo, M.
It's really funny, but I am just now learning how my body reacts to things. I was so sore from exercising (I think I overdid it on Saturday ).that I skipped my workout on Sunday. I thought I would probably not lose anything since I had skipped a day. WELL......NOT SO! I got on the scales today and had lost 2 more pounds.
Now I know that that doesn't mean to stop going to the gym, but it does tell me to listen to my body and give it a rest when it needs one. It will thank me. This has happened once before.
It is hard to realize this while you are doing the cardio and the machine tells you that you you are burning calories that you aren't burning when you are not active.
Moral to this story: It's OK to give your body a rest from time to time. One day will be enough. don't overdo the rest or the activity. MODERATION is the key word.
Hopping along with Amy and the Challenge Crew! What fun!