Hi Everyone...I just wanted to post that today is Denise's BIG day...she was suppos'd to have surgery this morning for her Realize Band...I know her mom is with her & hopefully I will hear something soon.....until then, send lots of prayers & well wishes her way....she is such a fantastic part of our board (& hilarious!!!) & I am missing seeing her little South Park avitar around......GOOD LUCK DENISE.....WE ARE ALL PULLING FOR YOU...(just remember, it's less stressful than having a chance of pooping on the! ) xo, Micheala.
Denise M.
on 4/7/09 4:21 am
on 4/7/09 4:21 am
Thank you for your support, good vibes and prayers--they are totally working!
I got home yesterday around 4 pm. The worst yesterday was my throat from the tubes. I had a popsicle and that made me happy. I did end up chatting with some people--Micheala, Mary from work, my pal Katy and my aunt Cathy. I needed two popsicles before the day was over.
As for the procedure, all went smoothly. I checked in and was taken back immediately. They got my iv in, my snuggly hospital traction socks and inflatable legs on, and my lovely paper gown. I chatted with my surgeon (I spent a few hours with his wife on Sunday at the Walk from Obesity booth at the Southern Women's show and she's fantastic!), the resident assisting, and the anesthesiologist and nurse anesthetist. The rooms are kind of tight when it comes to maneuvering the beds from the holding rooms to the OR, but somehow after a 20 point turn, they got me out. It was weird--I'm used to traversing the halls of Vandy upright, but not on a gurney! I was awake when I got to the OR, which was cool. I got to see all the high tech stuff like the giant tv monitors and stuff. I remember moving to the OR table and getting a few whiffs from the mask
and then zippo till I got to the recovery room.
I remember the nurse there humming to the overhead radio (Kelly Clarkson) and them working with my lovely binder garment, which I am still wearing! Then they drove me to my room where I met up with my parents. I woke up the rest of the way, lounged, worked with my incentive (to not get pneumonia) spirometer and did some walking. After meeting with Dr. Williams again around 3, he said I could pretty much go when I wanted to. So we got my prescriptions and headed home.
My dad brought me the potty chair my mom had after knee surgery and I love it! I can sit on it and it's so high it doesn't hurt to get on (much) and I can swing my feet while I pee. Because my abs ache so bad, peeing is not fun. I just let gravity do its thing. Close enough!
My throat was sore last night but is much better today. My stomach is feeling it today for sure. I think it's slightly aggravated from getting up and down out of chairs and bed. But I'm taking my pain med every 6 hours so it's bearable. Mostly my pork hurts. I mean my port. I call it my pork. That's where they had to do the most digging, so that's expected.
I've been passing my gas from both ends, and I've been up and walking around the house a lot. I don't have the frat party in my chest from the inflation gas like poor Micheala had!
Of course it wouldn't have been fun to have it without her nearby so we could exchange wide eyed glances anyway!
I'm being a good doobie documenting my consumption (up to 40 g of protein so far and over half of my clear liquids down the hatch), checking my sugars and taking my meds. Yay, me! But I'm about ready to hit the sack for another nap. So far so good, but I don't want to push anything.
I'll update more or write on my blog after a bit more sleep. I don't want to forget any of the details. For now I am enjoying the recovery time and potty chair and popsicles! Ahhh, the good life.
HUGS to everyone!
And thank you my sweet, wacky angel!!!
Thank you for your support, good vibes and prayers--they are totally working!
I got home yesterday around 4 pm. The worst yesterday was my throat from the tubes. I had a popsicle and that made me happy. I did end up chatting with some people--Micheala, Mary from work, my pal Katy and my aunt Cathy. I needed two popsicles before the day was over.
As for the procedure, all went smoothly. I checked in and was taken back immediately. They got my iv in, my snuggly hospital traction socks and inflatable legs on, and my lovely paper gown. I chatted with my surgeon (I spent a few hours with his wife on Sunday at the Walk from Obesity booth at the Southern Women's show and she's fantastic!), the resident assisting, and the anesthesiologist and nurse anesthetist. The rooms are kind of tight when it comes to maneuvering the beds from the holding rooms to the OR, but somehow after a 20 point turn, they got me out. It was weird--I'm used to traversing the halls of Vandy upright, but not on a gurney! I was awake when I got to the OR, which was cool. I got to see all the high tech stuff like the giant tv monitors and stuff. I remember moving to the OR table and getting a few whiffs from the mask
and then zippo till I got to the recovery room.
I remember the nurse there humming to the overhead radio (Kelly Clarkson) and them working with my lovely binder garment, which I am still wearing! Then they drove me to my room where I met up with my parents. I woke up the rest of the way, lounged, worked with my incentive (to not get pneumonia) spirometer and did some walking. After meeting with Dr. Williams again around 3, he said I could pretty much go when I wanted to. So we got my prescriptions and headed home.
My dad brought me the potty chair my mom had after knee surgery and I love it! I can sit on it and it's so high it doesn't hurt to get on (much) and I can swing my feet while I pee. Because my abs ache so bad, peeing is not fun. I just let gravity do its thing. Close enough!
My throat was sore last night but is much better today. My stomach is feeling it today for sure. I think it's slightly aggravated from getting up and down out of chairs and bed. But I'm taking my pain med every 6 hours so it's bearable. Mostly my pork hurts. I mean my port. I call it my pork. That's where they had to do the most digging, so that's expected.
I've been passing my gas from both ends, and I've been up and walking around the house a lot. I don't have the frat party in my chest from the inflation gas like poor Micheala had!

I'm being a good doobie documenting my consumption (up to 40 g of protein so far and over half of my clear liquids down the hatch), checking my sugars and taking my meds. Yay, me! But I'm about ready to hit the sack for another nap. So far so good, but I don't want to push anything.
I'll update more or write on my blog after a bit more sleep. I don't want to forget any of the details. For now I am enjoying the recovery time and potty chair and popsicles! Ahhh, the good life.
HUGS to everyone!
And thank you my sweet, wacky angel!!!