My First Follow Up Post-Surgery with Dr. Houston...
Hi e' I had my first f/u appt with Dr. Houston (at his office, that is...I saw him when I was readmitted to Centennial, of course)....and e'thing went great.
I am down 17 pounds from 9 days ago, so that's good...from 289 the day of surgery to 272 today (on my home scale--I was a few pounds up from that (275) at the office 'cuz of clothing). I was happy with that.
Dr. Houston said that I could advance to Stage 3 (blended) diet in a few days and to see him back in 5 weeks. He also said I could hit the gym (yippppeeeeeee!!!!! I am so excited...this is one of the top five reasons I had the surgery, to be able to workout w/out as much joint pain)...but to pay attention to my body & aches & pains. Of course, there are still 10,000 wasps underneath my skin just to the left of my belly button and they are stinging the heck out of me whenever I move certain ways ( hurts!), but Dr. H said that was normal & would be gone in 2 weeks or less. Good.
As part of my follow-up I also met w/Jill--the dietitian--and she was lovely. I adore Pam Helmlinger, the RD I had been meeting with and have to say that Centennial does a wonderful job of picking smart, empathetic and kind dietitians!! Love them. She did give me a good tip for when I move to stage set a timer for 30-45 minutes....put my serving size (i.e. 2 soft boiled eggs) on a plate. Eat slowly & chew, but whatever I don't finish when the timer goes off is thrown away. That's a good tool to avoid habits of grazing later. So, meal time is meal time & then it's over. I like that.
I also met w/the exercise physiologist for the first time. It was very short. Someone was waiting on her, I think, and they may have been running behind, I'm not sure. But I am pretty good to go on's fine, too.
Overall, great day, great choice, great life.
xo, Micheala.
I love reading your posts and the tips you learn. I am getting so excited for my own surgery. My consult cant get here quick enough. I keep calling the Dr's in hopes someone will cancel and I can get a sooner appointment. It's hard waiting so long knowing I am approved. I should have not waited and had my consult when I started this journey.
If anyone has to cancel their appointment with Dr. Dyer that is before April 30th let me know I will try to swoop in and take it
Keep up the post and thanks for the tips!
Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity
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I'm glad to be up & around, too!! I love the office stop-by invite....I always learn something new from you every time we talk...good tips!
I am glad to hear he is doing well...I was wondering about him. I am looking forward to support group on the 6th (it is still on even though that's Spring Break, right? That shouldn't really change it...not a school thing?)....
Have a GREAT weekend....I am dying to plant some flowers, but must wait until after April 15th...I've learned my early-flower-planting lessons in year's past!
xo, Micheala.
on 3/27/09 4:30 am
I'm so glad you're doing SO well! You are kicking some RNY butt there and seem to be doing super well after the blips of the first week. I'm so proud of you!!!
So what did he clear you for in the gym? Walking? Biking? More than that? That is impressive!
I gotta get to doing some work, but I had to say hi and how much I love the, "Overall, great day, great choice, great life."
You are amazing!!!
Hey Denise---How are you??? Aside from being sure that the monster from Lost is actually hiding inside my chest (those loud gastric noises you heard from 10 feet away at the hospital...still there, every time I try to eat. I am wondering if that's the key to the whole don't eat b/c you are afraid the monster will finally get out & ahhhh...eeeeeks......bad, bad, bad monster).
Yes, I am doing great....picked my lil' one up from school today & then took my two girls shopping and walked around for a couple hours. I am actually planning on trying to get on this recumbent bike that my hubby was kind enough to get me for post-surgery & put in his overwhelmingly intimidating gym at the house (very scary machines in there...). I think sitting down & doing the bike for 30 minutes tonight on a lower level will be fine. My only issue, as I said, is that pain to the left of my belly button.
I asked Dr. H when I could get back to the gym (I am really looking forward to getting back to the Y for workouts) and he said, "yesterday".....I asked him about limitations & he gave me none other than to pay attention to my body's aches & pains & just do what I, that sounds good to me.....I am going to wait another week or so, probably, but I don't see him for 5 more weeks so I am sure the workout advice was intended as advice to journey into over the next few weeks. I do love walking right now, though. The rain spoiled my walks post-surgery a little bit, but, hopefully, that will clear up & I can get back outside & enjoy good weather.
Now, you should be starting your pre-op diet soon? When is the big day? Are you ready? I bet you are getting so excited. It is going to be so great...I can't wait to hear about your experiences w/the band & compare notes......
tt you soon....xo, M.