Ok,,So Maybe I am Just a Big Baby
And my hubby thinks I am crazy...crying like constantly....Tomorrow I get to go on Stage 2 (its my first follow up appt.)..But based on my booklet I dont really get anything else other than new protein powders (yeah)...
I know this is temporary..But did everyone feel this way...
And I am looking at the BIG picture...I have lost weight and I know that is why I did this...I just want to whine....
Hey Kerri---you can "whine" to us anytime!!!
First, you are doing great w/ your weight loss!!!!! Yippeee!!!! And I am happy that you are feeling good post-surgery.
One good thing that came from my "re-admit" was that Dr. H told me I could advance to Stage 2...he said he usually lets his patients do that the Monday after their surgery. That has helped me SOOOO much re: getting my protein in. I had 69gm of protein in by 3pm today....and I have almost all my water and should get 90+oz by the day's end....so, that part is going great. I do find it much more satisfying to have the protein shakes---I found one at GNC that is SO YUMMY.....I love it & it is packed w/protein, low cal, etc....works perfect....makes getting btw 60-80gm/protein easy.
I thought that once I had surgery I would be repulsed by all food. Not so much. I am not hungry---I think maybe once or twice I have had a little bit of hunger & it is usually around dinner time from the smells (although, I have to confess that my hubby does the cooking for the most part--he is the super-healthy eater &, of course, so are my kids, so that a good thing)....tonight he made a crusted salmon & talipia with steamed broccoli and a whole grain roll for he & the kiddos---I sat w/them & had a cup of chicken broth, I did look at my hubby's salmon & thought it looked good, but he had a broccoli salad thing he made for himself w/soy nuts & some craziness in it & it made me gag. So I'm 50/50......
But...I have seen commercials that made me say "that looks so good"...I have had a craving for Nachos (?) the last few days, but it really isn't too bad since I know I can't have that. I just usually drink chicken or beef broth when I am wanting "food" b/c that makes my wants go away. I next week when I go to Stage 3 I am hoping it will get better w/more variety.
As far as YOUR hunger....are you getting all your water & protein in each day? You will feel better when you are on the Stage 2 proteins.....I am sure that a lot of the other OHers who are farther out from their surgeries will give you info on "head hunger"---of course & make more sense of that for you just in case.
Just remember....you are doing GREAT...hang in there.....
AND...Say "hi" to your sweet mom!!!
xo, Micheala.
When I first got home after surgery, my husband and daughter took over the cooking and I ate in my room where I didn't have to look at all that food that I wasn't allowed to have. I like to eat alone anyway because it helps me concentrate on taking smaller bites, eating slowly, and chewing well. Probably what you are experiencing is head hunger and it is worse if you are exposed to food all the time. You head is used to consuming so much food that it overrules your body. I still haven't experienced real physical hunger yet. The liquid diet I was on before surgery kind of broke my carb addiction so I didn't have as much trouble as some. Distraction can really help. Keep your mind busy so that you don't think about food all the time. It will get better. Hang in there.
Michala, what is the name of the protein powder at GNC?
Oh and Bre, Micheala said the GNC protein is AMP, she likes it best in chocolate..And she says it matches what we are allowed to have calorie, fat, etc...
And "head hunger"...That's it..I am like you no food..I am not hungry...I think when I go back to work Monday (I drive a school bus) I will not feel as "hungry"
Remember, you did not choose the easy way out. You choose the solution that was right for you.
on 3/26/09 5:03 am
My dad had a precancerous lesion on his esophagus and had to have a horrible surgery to fix it. It was kind of a VSG by proxy. Long story short he wasn't able to eat for quite awhile--I think he was only getting things like jello and gatorade for nearly a month.
Long story short, he was in complete lah-lah land when it came to food and spent the months it was before he could eat solids watching the Food Network, fantasizing and drooling.
It ain't you. It's part of the process!
I'm looking forward to getting my show on the road. Just remember (I'm reminding myself, too) nothing tastes nearly as good as I think it will. I've been doing a few "last time I'm gonna eat that for awhile," meals before I start my liquid diet in a few days. I'll have something and it'll be ehhhh. Okay. Not OMG, that was AMAZING! Just okay.
I'm going to keep reminding myself of that when I'm in your shoes in a few weeks.
The crying and stuff, from what I hear, is normal too. Everything gets thrown out of whack hormonally from the anesthesia. Don't worry, it should pass quickly.
Hang in there!!!
I obsessed about food before and after my sleeve surgery last year, too. Not so much this time, with the intestinal portion of the DS. I don't know why - but maybe it's because I had been through it before and while it seems like a long time at the time, it goes by pretty quickly and then you get to the Rest of your Life stage. (smile)
I hope you're feeling much better very soon and it doesn't cause you distress to cook for your family any more!
"It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"
Nice Electra Glide, I ride also, have a friend over at TSU in the Athletic Dept. that rides. I am near the Boro.
Good luck with the WLS, and yes the "head hunger" can sometimes be a challenge, I tell it here have some water, I will feed you in a bit, then try to get my mind on other things, LOL