Weight loss 2 weeks post op
Everyone is different of course - and you should try not to compare your weight loss to anyone elses, but I know its hard. I am almost 6-weeks out and have lost about 22 pounds which I thought was slow and not nearly enough, but Dr Spaw told me to throw away the scale! This surgery works and thats all you really need to bank on! Good luck on the journey and remember any weight loss - even slow - is better than no weight loss or even worse - weight gain.
I cannot remember how much during the first two weeks, but i do remember that later I averaged 4.4 lbs weight loss a week. But someone who said you should not compare yourself is correct. Each person is different... Good luck. Stay patient. it will come off. just keep following your surgeon's rules...
I completely understand how it is hard not to compare yourself to others, but it's such a good idea not to. I mean, afterall, we have been looking at other's before/after pics for so long & dreaming of that transformation in ourselves. Now, I am 3 days post op and I have found myself getting on the scale twice per day, waiting for a "wow" moment. Of course, I'm still swollen, etc., but just think of howmuch you may have gained in two weeks w/out the surgery. 5 pounds is healthy & just say goodbye to it FOREVER because you will never see those numbers again...they are gone, gone, gone! Listen to you doc, do exactly what he says.....get your 60 to 80gm of protein in a day & you 64oz+ of water/clear liquids & you will be doing great!!! Be patient, this is going to happen for you! xo, Micheala.
As has been said, don't compare your journey to others. It is YOUR journey, and no one else's. You now have a "tool" to help you, but you must use the tool correctly to see the max benefits. A lawn mower won't work unless you crank it and use it. Follow your Surgeon's and Nutritionist's advice and plans to a T, make sure you get in the fluids and protein, walk and sip - walk and sip, and increase the walking as you can. Later, when you are able, get on a regular structured exercise schedule. Keep a daily journal of everything you drink and eat, including the number of ounces of fluids, numebr of ounces of protein. Stay the course. If you stick to the program, it will work!
Good luck - now get moving!!

Good luck - now get moving!!

Remember you have a lot of fluid post op... so you will eventually have a week or so where you lose twice or three times as much weight... at least that's what I have been told so you may lose 5 one week and fifteen the next. I couldn't start my exercise program until about 3 weeks post or maybe a month and the pounds pour off by then. But don't compare your weight to others because I have lost 130 lbs plus since surgery on Jan 19 but I also weighed 667 lbs myself... The more you have to start the more you have to lose. If pounds aren't enough inspiration then just love the new things you can do! I know three months ago I couldn't even shower by myself, and being a 21 year old guy, it was very humiliating. I couldn't even tie my own shoes or put on my socks but two weeks ago I tied my own boots, showered by myself, and was helping a friend chop fire wood lol (Kathy H from Centennial scorned me, but its okay) But as previous have said the tool works, just remember to keep your head high and the pounds will go low. :)