It's me!
Hey guys!
Just wanted to let everyone know I'm all right! I've kinda placed my self in a self imposed exile here lately. Don't really know why, but I have an idea.
It seems I have spent the last 50 so years of my life trying to please everyone. Since I had surgery, I noticed that I was constantly try to help anyone who asked, not that that is a bad thing. During this time, I realized that I was not placing myself first. In other words, there was nothing left for me!
In the process of trying to please others in the world, I also appointed my self "peace keeper". I believe you know what I mean. Whenever I saw an outbreak of rudeness, hostilities, or fighting amongst family members, I whipped out my counselors badge and tried to settle things down. Well, those days are over. No longer will I be the one to settle the dust when tempers arise. It's gonna be every man, woman and child for themselves (it seems you've done well not to kill anyone while I was gone...LOL!).
I still feel exiled to an extent. Because of work (2 jobs), family commitments, and other assorted sundry items, there was nothing left to give. So, my time here on OH has been very limited. I have been reading daily, especially the PM's sent by worried friends! (THANK YOU!!!!!!!!) But I have just not had the time nor the want to, to answer each and every one! Will it change, I have no idea!
I do know this, if I don't answer a PM, wish some one well on their upcoming surgery, or appear to be everywhere all the does not mean I'm not around! I'll be here, just sitting under a tree, sipping a sugar free, protein laden drink enjoying life before it passes by!
Have a good day!

Just wanted to let everyone know I'm all right! I've kinda placed my self in a self imposed exile here lately. Don't really know why, but I have an idea.
It seems I have spent the last 50 so years of my life trying to please everyone. Since I had surgery, I noticed that I was constantly try to help anyone who asked, not that that is a bad thing. During this time, I realized that I was not placing myself first. In other words, there was nothing left for me!
In the process of trying to please others in the world, I also appointed my self "peace keeper". I believe you know what I mean. Whenever I saw an outbreak of rudeness, hostilities, or fighting amongst family members, I whipped out my counselors badge and tried to settle things down. Well, those days are over. No longer will I be the one to settle the dust when tempers arise. It's gonna be every man, woman and child for themselves (it seems you've done well not to kill anyone while I was gone...LOL!).
I still feel exiled to an extent. Because of work (2 jobs), family commitments, and other assorted sundry items, there was nothing left to give. So, my time here on OH has been very limited. I have been reading daily, especially the PM's sent by worried friends! (THANK YOU!!!!!!!!) But I have just not had the time nor the want to, to answer each and every one! Will it change, I have no idea!
I do know this, if I don't answer a PM, wish some one well on their upcoming surgery, or appear to be everywhere all the does not mean I'm not around! I'll be here, just sitting under a tree, sipping a sugar free, protein laden drink enjoying life before it passes by!
Have a good day!

Hey, Scott! Glad you are back--I've missed your advice. I'm glad that you have been taking care of yourself--that's really what we are all trying to do here anyway, right? I'm glad you took time out to get your priorities in life straightened out (the computer can be such an obsession of our time!)C'ya! Erika
It's so good to hear from you, Scott. You have been greatly missed. I do know more than I can say about needing your own space. It is easy when reaching out to others to get drained emotionally. No need at all to apologize or explain. You take care of you and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Everyone knows how much you care and I know everyone appreciates you as much as I do. Hang in there and enjoy your down time.
Hi Scott.....
I am sorry that you have not felt well... I for one have missed you immensely...
Imma have to loan you my work book that I told Marilyn about called "Boundaries".......Going through some of the exercises helped make it a little more clearer about various types of boundaries, and assisted me in learning about people with boundary problems.... the whole goal of the reading material is to maybe try to help a person set healthy boundaries that they can apply in "all" of their relationships.
What I find most important is my "family". You have a wonderful beautiful family. I had the privilege of getting to spend just a small amount of time with them on Saturday. I got to sit next to R.J. at the lunch... Wow, he is precious. So well behaved and well mannered... Spend as much time with him as humanly possible cause they grow up real fast and we can't get time missed back.... He is what's important.
At the end of the day, look around!!! There is no one else there, is there? No one but the people that care about us the most....
A lot of us can identify with what you are saying here... Thanks for sharing...
P.S. I have something for ya under the lunch bunch pics..

I am sorry that you have not felt well... I for one have missed you immensely...
Imma have to loan you my work book that I told Marilyn about called "Boundaries".......Going through some of the exercises helped make it a little more clearer about various types of boundaries, and assisted me in learning about people with boundary problems.... the whole goal of the reading material is to maybe try to help a person set healthy boundaries that they can apply in "all" of their relationships.
What I find most important is my "family". You have a wonderful beautiful family. I had the privilege of getting to spend just a small amount of time with them on Saturday. I got to sit next to R.J. at the lunch... Wow, he is precious. So well behaved and well mannered... Spend as much time with him as humanly possible cause they grow up real fast and we can't get time missed back.... He is what's important.
At the end of the day, look around!!! There is no one else there, is there? No one but the people that care about us the most....
A lot of us can identify with what you are saying here... Thanks for sharing...
P.S. I have something for ya under the lunch bunch pics..

Scott, you were one of the first people who welcomed me when I came to the board. Since then I have read comments about the boards not being what they used to be and such things. I kinda got the feeling that they were talking to the new people on the boards. I tried not to get offended, but kind of pulled back a little. Then I decided not to take it personal, they probably were not even talking about me. If they were, someone would surely tell me.
I came to this board because it was what I desperately needed and still do need. Some fun with friends who can relate and a little tough love if warranted. I hope that I have not offended anyone on this board and If I ever do, please just let me know.
I appreciate all you did to welcome me to the Tennessee network of friends and hope that I grow up to be just like you. I do understand that it can be overwhelming to be the self imposed moderator of so many different personalities. I for one, appreciate your efforts.
Please don't leave completely. We love you. Your encouragement and inspiration was what got me through the rough times when my surgery was postponed. I was devastated but you were there with """"""BREATHE""""""" I did and it worked out.
I came to this board because it was what I desperately needed and still do need. Some fun with friends who can relate and a little tough love if warranted. I hope that I have not offended anyone on this board and If I ever do, please just let me know.
I appreciate all you did to welcome me to the Tennessee network of friends and hope that I grow up to be just like you. I do understand that it can be overwhelming to be the self imposed moderator of so many different personalities. I for one, appreciate your efforts.
Please don't leave completely. We love you. Your encouragement and inspiration was what got me through the rough times when my surgery was postponed. I was devastated but you were there with """"""BREATHE""""""" I did and it worked out.
Good for you, Scott! You have to be good to yourself. In nursing school they teach us to save ourselves first. When you're on an airplane they tell you that, if the oxygen masks come down, get your OWN on before you go trying to get everybody else set up. I think that's a good thing to carry over into life. If you've used yourself up, you're no good to anybody.
I hope that you get your rest and relaxation and find that you have more enthusiasm for the board again. Maybe you'll have to remind yourself to keep your counselor's badge in the pocket to keep from getting burned out again!
I hope that you get your rest and relaxation and find that you have more enthusiasm for the board again. Maybe you'll have to remind yourself to keep your counselor's badge in the pocket to keep from getting burned out again!
"It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"