Have Loose Skin issues?
I wanted to let you ladies know about a product that I found at Walmart today. I really fight with a place of loose skin on my mid section on the left side. So I have done some searching around the internet for a control garment to target all of my "argh" areas! I haven't found the one which would take care of them YET... though I do have a good picture in my mind of what it will/should look like! lol
Anyway, the garment I found is like a tank top. It's in the girdle section, and they come in brown or black, sizes medium (don't be fooled, the medium size might as well be an extra small!) up to 2X. the tails are quite long and will tuck nicely into your pants. I do not think they would "ride up". Once you try the tank on, I know you will see what I mean! It took some tugging to get the midsection pulled down past my boobs! And you know I don't have much... but these things are really snug in the tummy/midsection area. They are like stretchy microfiber and the brand is called "Sweet Nothing" by Maidenform. The tag says "WORK IT! WITHOUT WORKING OUT" They also have high waisted underwear with and without thigh legs, regular brief underwear, just all sorts of kinds.

Also, did you know that Lipo In A Box is located in Old Hickory? They are opening a showroom next week (Tuesday) and are open til 6 pm. They will have an Underologist there to help aid with finding the proper control garments, if anyone is interested. You can check out their products on LipoInABox.com . These products have been advertised worldwide, most famously on Oprah. I have heard wonderful things about the product. A bit expensive, but well worth the money from what I have heard.
Rita, NO I haven't tried putting it on that way (stepping into it) but let me just say, that is a wonderful idea! I am going to try that tomorrow! I'm sure its much easier to PULL up than it is to pull down, especially when you can't hardly breathe! LOL
I'll let you know how it works! I think it would be beneficial to at least go over to LipoInABox's showroom and see what they've got. the owner was very helpful in email and she also said that she attends the ASMBS conferences and works with gastric bypass patients. She is aware of our needs, and that is great. I hope to give her some information of a product I would like to see made that would cover all the basis where our needs for a garment are concerned...
Sonya, your tummy will really go down a lot after surgery. It is amazing how it just shrinks away! But, at times, I looked at mine and thought, "Is this ever going to go down? Everything else disappeared." then it seemed like just a short period of time, poof and it was gone. Well, there was loose skin of course, but the puffy big belly I had was gone. You should look at my before/after pics. Here is a link: Mel's before/after
You can tell how big my stomach was... even though the stripes in that ugly shirt tend to be one big blur! There are some undergarments that have leggings in them which come down midway to the knee, others come down just below the knee, some actually go to almost the ankle area, like capris. They hold loose skin in quite well. And, lipo in a box is making a 3/4 sleeve shirt that holds the arms in.
Don't fret! There is always an undergarment to help! Now, if I could just sew my garment together to show someone... it would actually cover all areas: legs, arms, stomach, back fat. I have an idea for a great garment. Just can't seem to know how to get it made.