A question for anyone who has had surgery at Cenntenial
I havent been approved yet but I am just wondering about my hospital stay if I do get approved. Can my husband stay with me while I am in the hospital or does he need to get a hotel room? I seen in my book that visiting hours were 12 till 8 but it dont know if my husband can stay with me the whole time im there. I hope I will get an approval soon but until then I just need to find out what I can and keep busy. Thanks for any information you can give me.

the rooms are all private, and the chairs make out into a bed. My mother stayed with me when I had my surgery. There would be no need for him to get a hotel room. also, when I was there 6 days for a gallbladder problem, my mom once again stayed the entire week... the nursing staff are very kind and generous. Also, Mike's mom stayed with him too when he had his surgery... they plan for that.
Centennial has never enforced visitors rules during my stays there. I had visitors come at 9:00 at night and they have never told them to leave. I think that floor is more lenient for some reason. However, with that being said, let me just insert this... I work at a hospital, and also my very dear friend had MRSA infection awhile back. I have also seen/heard of others who developed MRSA at a hospital. Infections are prevalent everywhere, but moreso in hospitals... after all, its where sick folks are. While hospitals are more lenient in today's society than they were 20 years ago on allowing children in a hospital setting, its really not for the best interest of a child, even one that young, to be visiting them. Their immune systems are too vulnerible at their early age.
Hi Sonya,
Like Mel said the hospital and nurses plan for someone staying with you after you have had your surgery and the rooms are equipt for that. Another thing that you'll find at Centennial is that most of the nurses that work on the floor and take care of you has had WLS too. Isn't that neat??? You can also take your computer, there's wi-fi in all the hospital that you can tap into so that keeps you connected to the outside world....lol Keep us posted about your approval...
Tammy P
Dr. Dyer
Lap Band
Like Mel said the hospital and nurses plan for someone staying with you after you have had your surgery and the rooms are equipt for that. Another thing that you'll find at Centennial is that most of the nurses that work on the floor and take care of you has had WLS too. Isn't that neat??? You can also take your computer, there's wi-fi in all the hospital that you can tap into so that keeps you connected to the outside world....lol Keep us posted about your approval...
Tammy P
Dr. Dyer
Lap Band
My surgery at Centennial (Dr. Houston) is on March 17th--St. Paddy's Day---so, I will let you know all the details as soon as I can after. I am expecting great things, provided I don't chicken out...lol (no way!)......
I just read Mel's post & am wondering if I should not have my hubby bring my three little one's by...hummm...I have to think more on that one.....I will sure miss them--3-4 days is a long time not to see them....
Good luck...keep busy! xo, Micheala.