Happy Surgiversary Ms.Barb
Happy,Happy,Happy Surgiversary to you!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how to make my posts as pretty as yours and this is as good as it gets,sorry! One year, how amazing that time has gone so fast for you and I. You have done a GREAT job and I am so proud of you and proud to be your friend!!! Have a GREAT DAY!!!!
Love ya, Stacy
Love ya, Stacy
Happy Surgeribirthday Ms. Barb..
Wow look how far you have come in only one year's time.... You wear skinny jeans now and you no longer use your cane... OMG!!! You are an inspiration to us all... We love ya so much sunshine!!!! Here is a flower Surgeribirthday cake, just so you wouldn't be tempted to eat it...
Wow look how far you have come in only one year's time.... You wear skinny jeans now and you no longer use your cane... OMG!!! You are an inspiration to us all... We love ya so much sunshine!!!! Here is a flower Surgeribirthday cake, just so you wouldn't be tempted to eat it...

Trina, where do I start, hon, you are wonderful as a friend, and a sister. We've been through quite alot this yr. but I would not of missed a minute of it. With you or any of my other peeps. God as send some of the most wonderful people to be in my life, ones that are not judge mental and that actually cared for my well being. And I am truly blessed for that. It doesn't matter what others say, I know what I have to do and where my path is, and how I must follow. I have sit down and realized this week, with my aunt in the hospital and now that the cancer has effected her brain, that god only puts us here for a short time. I must say,he doesn't give us that time to judge, weather someone should or should not have therapy. That should be left up to our Dr's. etc. and not to the folks that really don't even know us. Too, it doesn't matter rather I send hugz to everyone on the block, I just want everyone to know that there is a kind heart here for them. And several that does understand how they feel. And too, I had several pounds to loose, I do feel insulted when, someone mentions big girl panties, because ya know, what right do we have to say anything about anyone. Sorry if I've stepped on toes, but I just thought that I needed to get this out. And yes my dear Trina, I love ya and so many others that has been there for me, as I've said so many times, because I know that they truly do care!!! That in itself means more that, a cruel word. That my friend I've never heard come from your mouth. So Thank you for the beautiful cake and love with HUGZ
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Hey Cousin Bobbie, Wow wee girlie, I miss ya, hon, and I can't wait to see ya again, and for you, Trina and me do have a get together, that was so fun. I too am so proud of you, you are awesome, as a friend and a cuz. I know that Trina thanx so too, she loves ya so much, and like her we wouldn't change a thing. And you've come along way too!!!
Funscrape.Com | More Friendship Glitter Phrases Comments Barb

Stacy, thanx so much my dear, you are such a wonderful friend and gal, and don't you forget it!! Hugz Barb
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Wendy Lu Hoo, you are magnificant to the tee Hee, You've given more then you'll ever know!! Just one of my Angels, I had 5 and all of them hold a place in my heart!! Along with several others I dear to metion!!!! Thankyou so much and to I am so honored to see you do'n so well. Wow wee girlie you look awesome!!!!!!!Hugz & luv Barb
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