Back on Track
Well, everyone you were right there was nothing to the Endoscopy. I was nervous as heck with a blood pressure of 164/100 to prove it. Talk about a little anxiety! Thank goodness for good I woke up moving my fingers like I was at work typing away on the computer, dreaming about entering charges...of all things!!
Anyway, the endoscopy did not show a polyp in the duodenal portion of the stomach, so I am not sure what it was on the UGI. My Gastroenterologist did say that he saw a small hiatel hernia and perhaps a little gastritis. The results came back and he said I was fine to go ahead with the surgery. I think the hiatel hernia is nothing to worry about and will correct itself, unless Dr. Weaver corrects it during surgery...not sure if it is big enough to correct anyway...
Still waiting on the full sleep study report. I guess I will be giving them a call next week.
Now, I am trying to get my head in the right place as I start the liver shrink diet on 3/10....starting to get excited, nervous, and everything else that goes along with this process.

How are you feeling after your RNY? Are you going to the support meeting on the 12th? I missed last month and this month I will be at the Sleep Center getting fitted for a CPAP...turns out I have severe Sleep Apnea. Maybe I will make the meeting in April after surgery...
Keep in touch!