The stupidest thing I put in my mouth...
I saw this thread originally on another wls support forum. At first, I could not believe my eyes. You mean, people are actually going to confess in front of other wls patients what they have eaten, or at least attempted to eat? Wow, this is a new form of honesty than I have seen in support groups. Most people keep it a secret and will never tell for fear of being reprimanded or looked upon as a failure or outcast. Well guess what? IT HAPPENS. Sooner or later. Why? Because we are human, and because we have issues with food.
So in light of this week's topic of struggles, and to help Marilyn see that she is not ALONE in hers, I think we should all be brave enough to post something that we have stuck into our mouths. Now that doesn't mean you ate the entire donut, or 3 bags of Doritos. You can share as little or as much as you would like. But I will go first. God, I sure hope i'm not the only one who will go out on a limb here and confess.
November 2007 Tim and I went to Fort Lauderdale to a Bariatric Eating conference. On the way home, we had a layover at the airport. It was lunchtime and there were not very many choices so I had some of a hamburger and a few fries. The grease in the fries made me sick feeling. And, I couldn't seem to get rid of it. I told Tim that I knew I would end up with diarrhea, and there was NO way in this world I wanted to be on an airplane with diarrhea! Soooo.....
We walked past a Dunkin' Donuts. I said, "Gimme some money." He handed me some and said, "Why?" I said, "Because I am going to make sure I don't get on that plane with Diarrhea." I marched over to the Dunkin' Donuts, bought myself a chocolate frosted donut with custard inside (my favorite before surgery) and the look on his face said it all... "What ARE YOU doing?" I started eating the donut, and before long, oh my heavens. My stomach started to cramp. He could tell that I didn't feel so great.
He handed me a wad of money and said, "Here, go over to the gift shop and buy a souvenir." He did not want to witness what would follow. I walked halfway to the airport gift shop, and turned suddenly to make a beeline for the bathroom. I sat in there on the toilet for about 20 minutes (or it sure seemed like it), with my hands wrapped around the sides of my head, bent over with cramps, thinking I was going to die... My stomach hurt so bad, and I couldn't tell.... Was I sweating? If so, why did I feel all cold and clammy? My head hurt, the pain pulsating through my temples.
After it was all said and done, I then went on to the gift shop and I was able to get on the plane diarrhea free.
I have to fess up too.
The stupidest thing? Candy Corn!
I looked at the bag, saw what a serving was, counted it out and ate them one at a time...
sat there thinking about how good they tasted...counted out another serving and ate them one at a time...
DUMPED big time!!!!!!!!!!!! Cold sweats, heart palpitations, intestinal cramps, shakes, nausea, etc. This went on for about 20 minutes.
Candy corn no longer holds any appeal to me.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Mine was Dulce de Leche Girl Scout Cookies. Thank God they're gone!
I was really hungry earlier this week and did not have anything that I SHOULD eat. I went to the healthy vending machine and looked and looked and looked for about 5 minutes, and weighed in what each item would be.
I finally decided to get the Chex Mix because it said 60% fewer calories. I said that would be good then I said to myself that I will only eat 1/2 the bag. Well 1/2 the bag came went and gone and I ate the rest!
I felt SOOOO gulity about eating those. I will now keep PLENTY of WLS friendly snacks at my desk so that the only reason I will go to the vending machine is to buy a bottle of water.
Did I mention that I was at a hotel in a group of people? All of the sudden one of my colleagues said "...Freddie? Are you okay?"
I suppose my palor had turned grey/green. I made it to the ladies room just in time to have a come to Jesus meeting with the toilet!
I don't crave cake any more!
Ok, it's time for me. I have always loved blueberry muffins. I was craving them so bad one day that I convinced my husband to go to Dunkin' Donuts and get me one on a Saturday morning - he even got up early to go and get it for me. Well, they are huge - Otis *****meyer huge. I wound up eating the whole thing and my stomach hurt for hours afterwards. I didn't have what I would call a traditional "dumping" episode, but I felt horrible and my stomach plain hurt for hours. If I recall correctly I don't think I ate again the rest of that day - I just sipped on fluids because I was scared to eat anything else.