on 2/17/09 12:06 am

I am THRILLED for you Micheala, and at this point, you are probably going to beat me to the surgical suite. That's okay, I love you anyway!!!
Wait a minute . . . the 14th??? They work on the weekends??? Shocker there.

Breathe . . . breathe . . . SQUEAL WITH JOY!!!! I can just envision you running around the house all Ooh Shiny: I need a blender bottle and some protein powder and a pillow to clutch to my belly on the ride home, chewable vites, and and and etc., etc.! I love it!
Oh, I am so happy for you! Your hubby was right--they had to approve it and they did! And the crabby insurance lady didn't even make you wait the entire 30 days. I knew she'd get tired of the calls and get your file off her desk before you made her nuts. Heh heh heh.
Your happy dance definitely counts for points on the IDGOMB thread today! Yippeeee!!!!!
BTW, "out-of-fat-body experience," baaahahahahaha!!!

Love ya, dearie! Bask in the joy that is your day!!!!
Thanks Denise---do you have a surgery date yet or are you still waiting on your letter?
Oh, and I apprecaite your going undercover for the insurance company and stamping my file "APPROVED"--very cool of you, girl. Love it.
Apparently crabby-insurance lady decided to show some mercy and move this thing. I just think she loathed the idea of hearing back from me every...er, uh, HOUR that I called (I mean day...lol)......so, I actually have a date....I just got off the phone with Holly at Dr. Houston's office and my pre-op at the hospital is on March 2nd and then I must find a big GREEN hospital gown because my surgery is on St. Paddy's Day, March 17th, at 8am.....hopefully Dr. Houston will refrain from any desire to drink green beer that morning (or at least wait until after my surgery)!
My son's 2nd birthday is on March 19th, so we will have to celebrate the weekend before, but I am sure he will be okay with that...lol....
What a life. Nuts.
Okay girly....let's get you a date....where is that letter?? xo, Micheala.
on 2/17/09 1:12 am
I'm doing a conga line happy dance in my head! I guess it is kind of scary there are enough of us in my head to do that. Hmm.
Anyway, St. Paddy's day--wooo hoo! I don't know if Centennial does a liquid diet, but maybe your last protein shake can be green (a mock Shamrock Shake, if you will!), heh heh. Although that might give you quite a scare when it exits later. YIKES!
I'm glad to see my ninja efforts paid off and you are Officially Approved! Heh heh. Of course if that letter doesn't get here soon, I'll have to put my ninja suit back on to sneak over, let the air out of your tires and pretend to be you on surgery day--I'm sure we'll look totally alike in green surgical gowns and lovely hair bonnet, right?
Naaw, I wouldn't really do that to you after all you've been through! I'd just seriously contemplate it is all!
HUGS to you!!!! I hope you're still bouncing off the walls!!!
That's it...I am going to BCBS tomorrow & stealing some letterhead & writing you an approval letter...:)......how long does it take to get the letter? Whew...it will come tomorrow, I bet. I bet you will be a March surgeryer (I love to make up my own words....), too. Just think....spring is coming and, of course, summer...we are going to be loosing weight like wildfire and motivated to get out & move, move, move b/c the weather will be so nice.....perfect timing!!! This is going to be great!
I can just see Dr. Houston looking in my stomach & seeing a green film (from my Shamrock Shake) and closing me back up, refusing to do surgery, because he thinks I have internal-gang-green (spelling?) .....I'd be trying to come out of anesthesia saying, "It was Denise's idea....liquid diet of green...lep-ro-cons, you know???.
Once you get your letter, do you call the hospital & schedule your date? Centennial didn't require my letter in hand.....they just believed me (baw-ha....fooled them....I have no idea if I am approved.......NO, JUST KIDDING--PAM, if you are reading this I AM REALLY APPROVED...don't CANCEL my surgery!!)
Okay--I have a stack of mail to go through & then I need to get on the recumbent bike for at least 30 minutes tonight. I have decided to commit to working out 5 days/week & kicking caffeine prior to surgery...my hubby woke me up this morning with a cup of coffee--it was really good--then he told me he ran out last night & bought decaf so that I could taper off slowly....I just had two diet cokes today, so......I will plan to be off caffeine at least two weeks before surgery so I don't fight the caffeine w/draw headaches after surgery on top of recovery!

May God travel with you on this next part of the journey.
Love Kathy