Waiting for the letter...
Denise--I LOVE your optimism...do you think you might be able to get a job, quickly, with Highmark BCBS (PA), because I think you would approve me!
Ms. Happy Insurance Lady detests me.....doesn't get the "humor" (it could be that I did say to her, "I may be fat, but I'm not stupid or lazy" at one point...made me a little less charming, I am sure.....oh boy.
I actually called twice today, am & pm, but no new news....except the reps telling me they have 30 days (aka March 5th)....goodness, you could be scheduled for surgery by then!!! I am hoping, still, for a March date....or an April date, or a May date, or a....well, any date will do.....
Have a great Val's Day (eat chocolate...lol....) xo, Micheala.
Denise M.
on 2/13/09 10:47 pm
on 2/13/09 10:47 pm
I'm on top of it (filling out job application now)!!! We'll send Ms. Happy Insurance Lady on sabbatical and I'll be her temp fill-in.
stamp: APPROVED!
I can't believe you actually said that, Micheala!
OMG! I'm not quite sure why, but frequently people in these customer "service," jobs end up being chronically constipated and uber moody people. Is that a job requirement? I also thing mumbling your name incoherently and talking like you are on a drive through microphone, sighing loudly and the Audible Eye Roll are also highly desirable skills. Disclaimer: Sarah M, our TN board friend from the cable company, is not in this group. She's a hoot and is an exception to the rule. Just sayin'.
I always try to be kind and understanding, but I suspect Ms. HIL would probably push me to the edge and make me curse like a sailor. I'm patient, I'm patient, I'm patient, I SNAP! hee hee! HIL knows that this is very important to you and she's just using her meager power where she can to affect peoples' lives where she sees she can. Nice lady.
Hang in there and know I'm cheering for you! Kick back and have a great weekend and don't worry about it. Don't let HIL get the best of you. Take back your power!
Besides, you've got a group of cheerleaders here and I'm still up for the torches and pitchfork march to her office if she pushes it to the very last day.
<---- Off to plan a ninja insurance attack after I get my hair cut in the 'boro. I hope I don't sweat to much in the outfit--it'll make my color run.
Happy Valentine's day to you too!!! xoxo!!!
stamp: APPROVED!
I can't believe you actually said that, Micheala!

I always try to be kind and understanding, but I suspect Ms. HIL would probably push me to the edge and make me curse like a sailor. I'm patient, I'm patient, I'm patient, I SNAP! hee hee! HIL knows that this is very important to you and she's just using her meager power where she can to affect peoples' lives where she sees she can. Nice lady.
Hang in there and know I'm cheering for you! Kick back and have a great weekend and don't worry about it. Don't let HIL get the best of you. Take back your power!

Happy Valentine's day to you too!!! xoxo!!!
Denise M.
on 2/13/09 12:45 am
on 2/13/09 12:45 am
You are SO organized. I wi**** would rub off on my from your posts. My kitchen is half painted and I've been in my house since 2003!!!
Maybe when I get all that energy everyone talks about once the weight seriously starts dropping, I'll get back to the painting. And garage cleaning. Yikes.
Give your doggies big skritches behind their ears for me! I know my corgis LOVE running in their yard, even if it is teeny tiny. Good thing they're short legged.
I'm so excited for you and your new home!!!
Maybe when I get all that energy everyone talks about once the weight seriously starts dropping, I'll get back to the painting. And garage cleaning. Yikes.
Give your doggies big skritches behind their ears for me! I know my corgis LOVE running in their yard, even if it is teeny tiny. Good thing they're short legged.
I'm so excited for you and your new home!!!