Requesting prayer
Prayer being sent, Bless your heart.
Hugs Barb

Hugs Barb
Good morning,
Well, no miracles, but hopefully some help. The neurologist said my pain will not go away completely until I can have surgery again, but he hopes to make it a lot better. He has started me on 2 new meds that I will start taking tonight. One is a super strong muscle relaxer and the other is actually for migraines. He thinks that my cervicogenic headaches caused by my neck are actually causing migraines as well. Both drugs actually have to be compounded at the pharmacy, so they won't be ready to pick up until today. I may be loopy for a few days, but hopefully they will work. Thanx for the prayers!
Well, no miracles, but hopefully some help. The neurologist said my pain will not go away completely until I can have surgery again, but he hopes to make it a lot better. He has started me on 2 new meds that I will start taking tonight. One is a super strong muscle relaxer and the other is actually for migraines. He thinks that my cervicogenic headaches caused by my neck are actually causing migraines as well. Both drugs actually have to be compounded at the pharmacy, so they won't be ready to pick up until today. I may be loopy for a few days, but hopefully they will work. Thanx for the prayers!