East TN is looking beautiful...how's it elsewhere?
It is pouring the snow and sooooo beautiful! Kinda reminds me of the opening scene of the Charlie Brown Christmas Special where the kids are ice skating. (that's my all time fave show just FYI).
Anyhoo, its too warm to lay or anything but sure is pretty....today is my 5 months since surgery!! Whoo hooooo!!!! My husband's BF's wife is having surgery March 9th and she came over on Saturday night...I was giving her the skinny on what to expect and I realized how far I really have come. This was the first time she's seen me since pre-op and her mouth dropped open.....I am so grateful for my new life.
And if I get approached about Girl Scout cookies one more time, I might have to kill...
There's my Monday thoughts
Anyhoo, its too warm to lay or anything but sure is pretty....today is my 5 months since surgery!! Whoo hooooo!!!! My husband's BF's wife is having surgery March 9th and she came over on Saturday night...I was giving her the skinny on what to expect and I realized how far I really have come. This was the first time she's seen me since pre-op and her mouth dropped open.....I am so grateful for my new life.
And if I get approached about Girl Scout cookies one more time, I might have to kill...
There's my Monday thoughts

Be happy.
Here in the mountains, we have about 2 inches. It is pretty! But, I have a pre emplyment physical on Wednesday that I HAVE to make it out to. Certainly hope it doesn't freeze over. By the way, Murray's SF chocolate mint cookies (in moderation) are a good substitute for the evil Girl Scout cookies!!!
Here in the mountains, we have about 2 inches. It is pretty! But, I have a pre emplyment physical on Wednesday that I HAVE to make it out to. Certainly hope it doesn't freeze over. By the way, Murray's SF chocolate mint cookies (in moderation) are a good substitute for the evil Girl Scout cookies!!!
I am in East TN too and it has been a gorgeous day. A meeting was cancelled this afternoon at school and I was able to come home a little early, which was nice. It is awfully slushy here, over an inch of slush in the drive. I talked to my parents, who are in WV, this evening and they are getting a really good deep snow.
Wow, isn't that pretty! My daughter and SIL and grandson were in east TN two weekends ago and it was beautiful. She brought home some of the loveliest pictures.
It would be so nice to have such a lovely view out my front porch, like yours.
It would be so nice to have such a lovely view out my front porch, like yours.
"It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"