Prayer for my honey
Hi Amy, Richard had his heart cath this morning around 9am instead of 6am. He was moved the CCU department. They will go back into artery to fix the 98% blockage and is supposed to come home on Friday. I miss him. I didn't get to see him this aftenoon as I was in the ER. I fell injuring my right shoulder, hip, knee, and ribs, I do have 2 cracked ribs. The left foot caused me to fall. He just called, they had just given him a Demerol/Morphine pain shot, then the nurse was coming back in for blood work. Thank you for the prayers, they mean a lot. Mom has him on her prayer list in West Virginia, and they prayed for him tonight at prayer meeting. I'll post tomorrow after they fix the blockage.

Thank you Denise. We live with an older woman, now she has two patients to look after. Richard has his heart cath this morning. While he was having that done, she and I went to her bank to open a new checking accout. As I was walking back to the car, I tripped injuring my shoulder, hip, knee, and cracked 2 ribs. Makes it hard to breath, but they couldn't wrap me because I have COPD. So I am staying on my oxygen so it's easier to breath without pain. Richard will be having a stint put in around 7 am and is supposed to come home on Friday. I sure do miss him.
I'll post tomorrow after he gets back to CCU.
I'll post tomorrow after he gets back to CCU.