Prayer for my honey
My honey, Richard, has been having chest pains for several days but refused to go to the ER. Last night it was worse, but he refused to go just thinking it was indigestion. He saw his Dr. this morning, and was taken immediately to the ER and admitted. He will be having a heart cath at 6am tomorrow at Southern Hills. He has a blot clot in his neck and a blockage in his heart. Please remember him in your prayers. He means a lot to me. Thank you so very much.

I went to the hospital this morning as he was to have a heart cath done at 6am, Barbara and I got there around 8am thinking he had already had the test. They didn't take him down until 9 am. While that was happening, Barbara and I went to our banks, I fell at her bank in the parking lot. I cracked 2 ribs, injured my right shoulder, major bruised right knee, and can't stand to put weight on it as my hip and knee keep buckling. As for the ribs, the first Dr. in the ER didn't x-ray my ribs. The second shift did and found I had two broken ribs. They can't wrap it because I have COPD. I have to go to the VA in the morning for an ultra sound on my abdomine. Richard is supposed to go back into surgery to fix the 98% blockage in his heart. He'll be home on Friday.
He's a lousy patient. He can't have his colas or his smokes so he's grouchy. MEN are such babies when it comes to their health.
Thank you for the prayers. I'll up date his progress tomorrow after the fix the blockage.
He's a lousy patient. He can't have his colas or his smokes so he's grouchy. MEN are such babies when it comes to their health.
Thank you for the prayers. I'll up date his progress tomorrow after the fix the blockage.

Richard isn't my husband just my honey. We went to the hospital around 8am thinking he would be back in his room. They didn't take him until 9am, we left, and in the process I fell in the bank parking. I spent my afternoon in the ER having a bunch of x-rays as I injured my right hip, knee is really bruised, and the second shift x-rayed my right ribs where they found 2 cracked. Barbara, the lady that we live with went back to his room only to find he was having more tests and was being sent to CCU. After the heart cath, they found a 98% blockage and will fix that in the morning. I'll go up in the afternoon. He is supposed to come home on Friday. I miss my honey, and he is not a good patient. He can't have his colas or smokes. So he was in a bad mood this morning. I have to go to the VA in the morning for an ultra sound on my abdomine to see why I have so much pain from having Abdominal Aortic Asceloris (sp) so they want to see where it is and what is going on there.
Thank you for your prayers. I really appreciate each one.
Thank you for your prayers. I really appreciate each one.

Kathy, my you are having a really bad day. I hope "both" of you will be better soon. I know about being a bad patient, my hubby smokes also (he says it's the only vice he has left, he's given up everything else) so he is not good in the hospital when he gets to feeling better.
Take care of both of you and let us know how everything works out.
Yes it was a bad day yesterday. Today wasn't any better. Richard came thru the heart cath today where they inserted a stint, he'll be home tomorrow. He's more worried about me. Today I had to go to the Va for an ultra sound on my abdomine aortic. I then went over to the ER to get my knee x-rayed as I couldn't put any weight on it. Well they x-rayed my ribs again and my knee. Couldn't see if the ribs were cracked as I was really swollen. The right knee is swollen but could not find anything wrong with it. When the Dr. moved my knee cap and knee around, the pain shot up the femoral bone, I fainted from the pain. I'm too stay off it until next Thursday when I have to go back and have them rechecked. I stayed on oxygen as it hurt too much to try and breath. At least the oxygen was pumping it into me to keep my lungs from callasping.
So outside of two appointments and I can use my scooter for those, all's great. I have to keep my right leg elevated for the next week.
I'm so tired that I keep dosing while sitting up. Sweet dreams
So outside of two appointments and I can use my scooter for those, all's great. I have to keep my right leg elevated for the next week.
I'm so tired that I keep dosing while sitting up. Sweet dreams