It is so cold in here or is it just me
Trina, where did you get the sugar free cider?
Marilyn, I loved your recipe for Friendship tea, will give that a try. I too remember making the "spice tea" with Tang.
Where can I get sugar free hot chocolate? I would love some of that.
Right now I'm drinking Crystal Lite decaf tea. I pour 1/2 orange new whey protein into the tea and heat it in the microwave. That gives we 21 grams of protein plus 10 oz of fluid. It's a great way to kill two birds at one time.
Trina, I was at Starbucks the other day and read their menu. They have some type of drink with cider and caramel or cinnamon, I can't remember! But I was thinking of those sugar free packs of cider, and some davinci syrup, boy that would be good....
Do any of the ladies use CuddleDuds? I love those things! Men can wear their long underwear, but they are not too comfortable... and they are thick. But cuddle duds are really soft, and work great underneath dress clothes.... they will keep you so warm! They are a little pricy, but sometimes Penneys and other stores have them on sale... I was lucky in that I bought some at Big Lots for $5 a piece!! That was about 2 yrs ago, and I still have those same ones...
*The Walmart cheapies ball up really bad, so I would not try to skimp if you can afford the real thing.
Walmart has some hot chocolate (Swiss Miss, I think) which says "diet". the no sugar added ones are kinda deceiving, and if I recall, its the "diet" one that has the best stats... Just pick up several and pick the one with the least amount of sugar in it... OR, you could try my trick with the labrada lean body chocolate & vanilla... 4 oz of each, a little water and just heat heat heat in the microwave. I love it, with a little whip cream to make it extra special if you want a treat... I usually do not have it with whip cream on it though as its already my treat.