Pre Surgery Wow Moment
Just to let everyone know I am going under the knife for my surgery on the 19th at Centennial and my wow moment would defintely be that Fox 17 News is doing a three part series on my struggle with obesity and the pre approval process. I just spent my second session interviewing today... So hooray for the fat crowd lol we have one more face in the media pushing for the recognition of what goes on behind obese doors. THe series will air in March some time and I will let everyone know. I probably won't post until after surgery so thanks everyone for all your support and please pray for me. Thanks so much everybody
Justin Warren
Alpha Gamma Rho 843
UTM SGA Justice
Best of luck with your surgery! How on earth did you get hooked up with Fox? I'm always curious about how media outlets find their story subject. Plus of course I'm really glad you're getting the word out that obese people are, like, people. Very brave of you to subject yourself to the public eye on something so personal.