Psych-Eval Meeting
Hi Everyone~
My visit with the psychologist this morning was intense, to say the least, but she finally explained to me her hesitation in okaying me for surgery: she's not certain I've "owned" the decision to have surgery and fully embraced what it will mean in terms of changes to my life. I'm shamed to admit that she's probably right. That doesn't mean that I'm giving up, though! On the contrary, it's opened my eyes to where the work still needs to be done and I'm preparing to knuckle down. I've come so far. There will be no going back! Tomorrow I have my appointment with my new weight loss surgeon (my original one moved away) and he's intimidating. Wish me luck!
My visit with the psychologist this morning was intense, to say the least, but she finally explained to me her hesitation in okaying me for surgery: she's not certain I've "owned" the decision to have surgery and fully embraced what it will mean in terms of changes to my life. I'm shamed to admit that she's probably right. That doesn't mean that I'm giving up, though! On the contrary, it's opened my eyes to where the work still needs to be done and I'm preparing to knuckle down. I've come so far. There will be no going back! Tomorrow I have my appointment with my new weight loss surgeon (my original one moved away) and he's intimidating. Wish me luck!
Hi Kitty,
I've done so much research I feel like a doctor! Sometimes I think that what she's afraid of is that I'm not at peace with my decision, and that I'm not ready to let go of my crutches and fully adhere to the rules of post-surgery life. I have a compulsive personality, you see, and she's afraid that if I don't get it completely under control all this work is going to be for naught. We'll just have to see how it goes, I guess.
I've done so much research I feel like a doctor! Sometimes I think that what she's afraid of is that I'm not at peace with my decision, and that I'm not ready to let go of my crutches and fully adhere to the rules of post-surgery life. I have a compulsive personality, you see, and she's afraid that if I don't get it completely under control all this work is going to be for naught. We'll just have to see how it goes, I guess.
She's not certain you've "owned" your decision and "fully embraced" what it will mean??? And this meant something to you? You understood what she was talking about and even kind of agreed with her?
Well, there are a lot of things to consider, and I'm sure that a lot of things in your life will change. And it seems to me that you're going to have to see how some of these changes happen before you know how you're going to deal with them.
Without a really specific definition of what she's talking about, I can't imagine that what this psychologist said is of much worth. I got kind of a strangely worded and guarded report from my psychologist appointment, as well. I just figured, well, we spoke for a few minutes, she looked at the results of a test and she's stating her opinion. Kinda shrugged and carried on with what I felt like I should be doing.
Sounds like you've kind of come to the same conclusion! All the best with the rest of your journey.
Well, there are a lot of things to consider, and I'm sure that a lot of things in your life will change. And it seems to me that you're going to have to see how some of these changes happen before you know how you're going to deal with them.
Without a really specific definition of what she's talking about, I can't imagine that what this psychologist said is of much worth. I got kind of a strangely worded and guarded report from my psychologist appointment, as well. I just figured, well, we spoke for a few minutes, she looked at the results of a test and she's stating her opinion. Kinda shrugged and carried on with what I felt like I should be doing.
Sounds like you've kind of come to the same conclusion! All the best with the rest of your journey.
"It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"
Well, personally, I think that perhaps all too often the psych evaluation is not given enough consideration prior to approval for bariatric surgery. When you have your innards re-routed, it is permanent and a major deal. It will definitely impact your life and lifestyle, and requires committment and determination to adhere to the program of your surgeon and nutritionist. The psychological part of the surgery and life afterwards is huge. I have talked with some folks who flat told me they didn't imagine the impact it would have on them. I had one lady tell me that she truly believed she would be able to eat anything and as much and as often as she wanted and stay thin a couple of years after having the surgery, but that she found out that isn't the case.
Let's face it - old habits are hard to break, otherwise folks wouldn't need some type of intervention to help them. I've actually heard a person say that she "misses being able to eat a whole bag of M&M's when she is watching a movie", or "going out to eat and ordering the largest steak on the menu with all the trimmings". Hmmmm . . . do ya think her psych evaluation was thorough enough? Maybe . . . maybe not.
There is a reason that the psych evaluation is required. From some of the observations I've had, perhaps it should be even more in depth, or at least taken more seriously. The bottom line is that there are some folks who probably should not have the surgery because mentally it may be more harmful to them, create too much stress, and cause severe problems of a whole different nature. Just my $.02.
I know it's frustrating and disheartening, but make this into a positive and really work to find out what issues you have to face, address them, and move forward. Best of luck to ya!!
Let's face it - old habits are hard to break, otherwise folks wouldn't need some type of intervention to help them. I've actually heard a person say that she "misses being able to eat a whole bag of M&M's when she is watching a movie", or "going out to eat and ordering the largest steak on the menu with all the trimmings". Hmmmm . . . do ya think her psych evaluation was thorough enough? Maybe . . . maybe not.
There is a reason that the psych evaluation is required. From some of the observations I've had, perhaps it should be even more in depth, or at least taken more seriously. The bottom line is that there are some folks who probably should not have the surgery because mentally it may be more harmful to them, create too much stress, and cause severe problems of a whole different nature. Just my $.02.
I know it's frustrating and disheartening, but make this into a positive and really work to find out what issues you have to face, address them, and move forward. Best of luck to ya!!
Hang in there Trianni!
I agree with Bob, sometimes not enough consideration is given to the Psych Eval. This test is not to see if your nuts. It's an assesment to deetermine if you are a good candidate for surgery.
A lot of things happen after surgery. Emotional and physical. It's best to be prepared.
Take a deep breath and keep doing what you are doing! You've come a long way, and I know you will succeed!
I agree with Bob, sometimes not enough consideration is given to the Psych Eval. This test is not to see if your nuts. It's an assesment to deetermine if you are a good candidate for surgery.
A lot of things happen after surgery. Emotional and physical. It's best to be prepared.
Take a deep breath and keep doing what you are doing! You've come a long way, and I know you will succeed!