I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!
Do me a favor...BREATHE! We have all been there and done that. So, what ever you do, don't give up! It is far worse than being morbidly obese.
I too was at that point at one time and wanted to give up as well! I suggest you take a day or two and sleep on it! Things will work out for the best. At this time, I know there is really nothing I can say but...
DON"T GIVE UP!!!!!!!
You never said why it was canceled. Maybe it was just a minor error or some paperwork was not completed on time. My good friend Phil was actually at the hospital and went through the same thing, but everything worked out!
Hang in there and send me a PM if you would like to talk more!

I can't imagine your frustration with this set back so close to your surgery date. Unbelievable. Hopefully this hurdle is something that can be overcome when you are ready. I am sure after you get over the shock you will be ready to fight for yourself again.
Like Scott said BREATH!
I don't know the cause of them pulling the carpet out from under you but if you've been lurking you might remember several of us have been there and done that.
Not to minimize your pain because when I was denied nobody could say anything to me either.
My good friend Bama Bob was literaly on the table with a IV in when they stop his surgery.
So take today get mad, sad and then get determine and back to the journey, lets see if we can get you on the loosers bench.
For now just BREATH!
C'ya Bob
Anyways, I know it's a downer and very frustrating and it makes you fuming mad. But, as goofy as it sounds, everything will work out if you just keep at it and don't give up. It is definitely worth it!

So again THANK YOU and maybe I will one day I will join you all on the losers bench till then I will try to watch what I eat and hope that I can have this surgey.
How well I remember my first insurance denial... and having to jump through all the hoops. But, one thing that can help you is to learn how to channel that anger. Get determined and go after what you want, rally for yourself. find out why it was denied or canceled, then start to gather all the information that they may need or want and place it into their hands. I called my insurance company over 40 times in a 30 day period of time. i wanted this more than anything, and I gathered all my own medical records, became my own advocate and did not wait on their letter to come in the mail. I knew immediately when they approved the procedure because of my diligence.
In my opinion, if a person is willing to just walk away and not fight for their procedure, then really maybe they didn't need or want it that bad after all. But if a person gets angry, and begins to fight for themselves, then they really need/want the procedure and understand how much it will and can change their lives. Do your best to exhaust every effort to get your procedure, until they simply say "go away; you can't have it so please stop bugging us!" lol. Well you get my drift.