

Michelle B.
on 1/5/09 9:56 am - Morgan City, LA
Please, please, anyone w/ BCBS of Tennessee, let me know how easy/ difficult it was to get approved.  I live in LA, but work for a hosp. who's corp. office is out of Tenn.
on 1/5/09 10:06 am
Go to Centennial Hospital's (Nashville) web site.  They have a section for insurance and list the requirements of many different plans.  Just scroll until you find your plan.  Even if you don't plan on coming up to TN for your surgery, it's a great resource. You might also want to check with your employer to make sure they don't have additional requirements.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

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Wendy Warren
on 1/5/09 10:15 am - Smyrna, TN
Hi Michelle
I have BCBS of TN and I had to have a 6 month documented diet and lose 10% of my highest weight.......you can call the number on your card and they will tell you what the requirements are..........good luck


The only time you fail is when you fail to try!!!

Bob L.
on 1/5/09 10:53 am - Clarksville, TN
Hi Michelle good luck.
Not all BC/BS of TN. are created equal with that said I had very little problem getting approved once I accomplished what they required.
I did not have to go on a 6 month diet but was required to loose 10% of my weight before approval along with a physic test. 
Just to name a few things.
I would suggest going to their web site and see what your policy requires you can phone them as well and they will send in writing specific requirements.
This is also a great way to stay directly in touch with your progress.
I found out a week before the hospital did, that there was a problem corrected it and resubmitted it, before the hospital even new there was a problem.
Good luck!
C'ya Bob

Michelle B.
on 1/5/09 11:08 am - Morgan City, LA
Thanks EO for your help.  I do know I need to lose the 10% of my body weight (1/2 way there).  It does not state I have to have 6 mths supervised diets, but show an attempt in past 2 years.  Must show have been MO for at least 5 years, the problem is, have records for past 19 years showing wt up & down- entire time, but, in 2004 wasn't MO b/c of weigh****chers.  So, I don't know if they'll want me to wait another year or what.  Also I am on 2 cholesterol meds & a couple other comorbities.
on 1/5/09 12:23 pm - Madison, TN

Honestly it depends on your EMPLOYER'S plan.  Each employer is different.  My employer has wls covered in their policy with certain requirements, one of which is to go through a 12 week program, lose 10% of overall body weight, and part of the 12 week program is to exercise 36 times.  We are self funded.  Some employers have chosen NOT to cover the wls.  the only thing you can do is to contact BCBST and inquire about YOUR policy.  They are all just too different, and constantly changing.  And, one employer who covered in 2008 might have made it an exclusion for 2009...  or if one excluded it in 2008, they might have changed their policies...  


In short, just call the 800 number on the back of your card and ask.


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