Happy New Year...............NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now on to the rest of the news. Since this past Sunday, I have had Phil in two different ER's and two different doctors. He has been having sever nose bleeds and throwing up and his BS has been sky high. Well tonight we made it to the 3rd ER and they kept him, he is at Baptist. They are running all kinds of test to see what the heck is going on. His BS is still running between 350-450. His nose has finally gotten better, the ear,nose,throat specialist that we had to go to today to see, cartarized (sp) it and that has seemed to help that problem. We thought that once that was fixed he would get better, well that is not the case. They have called Dr. Morton and he is coming by to see him sometime today.
It's about 4:00a.m. and I am home for a little bit to maybe get a nap and shower and change clothes, then I am headed back out there. I hope to be there when Dr. Morton comes in.
With all this and the holiday's, well let's just say I am not in the best mood. I am stressed to the max and I am having a hard time handling everything.
I will post when I can, I'm not sure how long they will keep him. He is in room #7617.
Please say a extra prayer or two for us during all of this.
Love ya'll
You are Phil are in my prayers. I hope he gets to feeling better soon. I don't know about you, but when I had WLS I expected all my health problems to disappear. Obviously, many did and many got better, but just as obviously, not all of them did. It was a bitter pill for me to swallow. But, my body had been abused (by obesity) for a long time. I hope they figure out what is going on with Phil and if it is a complication from the surgery, they find a permanent fix. I hope things get better for y'all.
i am sorry that you are having problems. You know, holidays really get family problems flared up. People for some reason tend to get upset. Maybe its the stress over money, gifts, time, being worn thin... I don't know! But I hope that your family is able to work out the problems as I know that your grandbaby is important to you. It's not fair to punish people by using a grandchild as leverage.
Please tell Phil that he is in our thoughts and prayers. Thankfully the doctor did the cartoridization (sp?) and the nosebleeds have stopped, but that blood sugar stuff can be detrimental if not corrected.
My prayer for you : May 2009 be a year of health and peace for the Parker family.
PS - We have noticed you weren't here! Many hugs to you my friend!
I got Phil's email explaining what was going on. I have not responed, simply becaus4e I really don't know what to say. And I did not want to say th wrong thing! I have been putting some thoughts together and will shoot a PM over today sometime!
If you need anything, please let me know! We can be there quickly, so give us a call!