New Year's resolutions?
Here are my resolutions for 2009:
1) Read and study my Bible more
2) Find a new church
3) Lose down to my goal
4) Increase my exercise
5) Do everything in my power not to have more unscheduled surgeries!
What are your resolutions for 2009?

Sorry I did not post before now. I've been feeling miserably sorry for myself with this kidney problem! But I'm feeling better now and able to think half straight....
I'm not making a New Year's Resolution. I'm just going to live every day of the year putting my best foot forward, trying to make every day count and enjoying the person that I love. I love my life! I want to savor each day that matters, and think on what could have been different if it didn't matter.......
I was so blessed in 2008. I hope 2009 is equally as giving and blessed.
I do have a prayer for my friends in 2009, however. I hope that each one of my friends have nothing but happiness, health, and PEACE in such troubled times in 2009. We live in a turbulent world of uncertainty, hopefully with the New Year, it will bring hope to each of us.
Not make any, and take life one day at a time! I'm more of a live in the moment type of guy, and I always end up getting down on myself when I don't make it to appointed goals.
So, I will take it one minute, on hour, and to steal a line from a song:
"One day at a time Sweet Jesus, That's all I'm asking from You"
Happy New Year!